Pay Grid


If you can believe it my hospital does not use a pay grid when hiring, i.e. 1 year experience=$23, 2-3 years=x$, etc. The staff was going to come forward and ask management to implement one due to...uneven hiring practices by the manager. Does anyone have access to one that they would be willing to share? The only one accessible online is the one for Veteran's Affairs, but I was thinking of finding one for say a regional hospital. Thanks

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

They have me. Going to go to management to ask for changes to hospital policy? RISKY as you all cold be percieved as trouble makers and eventually shown the door. Choose your battles and measure the consequences. NUrses are not in the drivers seat right now. Nursing is notorious for having "ranges" for hires so the "more worthy" canidate can negotiate for more. Unions have grids you might try to see if you can google a union contract for nurses. You're in Texas? I'd tread lightly that you don't sound like you are starting union talk.

Some facilities have it in the HR policies that nurses are subject to dicipline for discuaaing confidential matters like what you get paid. Be very sure you know what you are getting into.

Well, they may have one, but its not used properly. The manager tends to hire and salary nurses based on personal preference. And funny you should say that we all just voted out the unions recently. Also, when asked personally about raises the manager will say things like "if I give you a raise I have to give everyone else a raise..blah blah". Additionally when the unions were here they posted a list of years of experience and salary next to it without posting names and it was very telling of the hiring practices. There were huge gaps in nurses salaries even when they had the same experience level. Lastly, while the unions were here the hospital refused to give a cost of living raise because the unions were in "negotiations"..yeah right. So now that they're gone, its not like asking for money will come out of the blue. Its been requested by multiple staff members for years. But I really just would like to see an example of a pay grid used in Texas if possible.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

You won't find one that they will publish. That is very hush hush in administration. Managers are given strict instruction to not discuss pay scale because of course everyone want the high end, right? That's not cost effective. Pay ranges/scale will vary region to region,hospital to hospital. So finsing a "grid for Texas" doesn't exist. "Gridsw" exist in union contracts. "Ranges" exist without contracts so the "better man" is paid more.

When the union is in negotiations there are no raises as that is what the contract is all about.....raises, the cost of living and benefits. The union advocates the same salary for each employee for years experience/service. The longer you work the more you get paid. Equal work, equal pay, right?

Well, that is what the union fights are these arbitrary biased pay ranges that are subject to personality conflicts and favourites. Causing inequality in the workplace.

The non-union supporters argue that paying the same to every worker when one worker puts "more" into the position, like commities etc., and one that barely gets by.....isn't fair. That paying rewards for good work good attendance is good practice. That the better candidate gets more money and that is left up to the managers discretion. SO, managers are given ranges which is protected top secret information.

For example.......the range for a new grad is 21.50 to 23.20 it is up to the managers decision/discretion based on "merit" who gets paid what. You can ask but in this environment when there is a plethora of applicants for every are not in the bargaining chair to insist more money. They may "let" you go find more money in the form of another job and hire a new grad that will be happy to do it for less.

Pick your battles. If your facility just got "rid" of the union remember the union is no longer there to protect you. You no longer have a signed contract guaranteeing certain "rights". Navigate these new waitress with a life jacket until you know how to swim.

Good Luck.:loveya:

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

Actually, there are organizational liabilities associated with "comparing" salaries to their competitors... it can lead to price-control lawsuits if anyone can assert that the hospitals have gotten together to "fix wages". Texas has experienced a few of these in the past. Instead, employers can only compare their wages to aggregate data from within a specific market area... so they have to pay 3rd parties to do this for them. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, especially when a hospital may be so dominant that they ARE the market... and end up comparing themselves to themselves ????

So - no organization will willingly share any salary data that could actually be linked back to them. The only sure way would be to ask for input from people who have been given a salary quote after applying to a job. There are actually some online sites where this type of data is volunteered... like the one for adjunct faculty Adjunct Instructor Salary | Glassdoor Maybe we could start one for nurses??

Thanks HouTX,

I saw that they offer that on Glassdoor, and was hoping there was something similar to that for nurses, but alas no. It was a long shot, but either way something will be done! haha. The problem is that for nurses, pay is also dependent on department, i.e. certain specialties get paid more than others, especially in specific states, so that would take an enormous amount of participation on the part of nurses in order to make something like that feasible. Perhaps I have a lack of confidence in my fellow nurses.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

Most places I have worked, and in different states, there isn't much of a differential between departments even though a difference is paid for certifications like CEN and CCRN. The budget of a department is dependent of it's revenue....the bigger budget can "afford" a bigger salary. That is the world without a contract.

Crazy isn't it?

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