Patient Safety Question/Nurses Conduct

Nurses Safety


Hello Nurses,

I was recently in the ER visiting a friend who was stupid and ended up in the ER, nothing major just walking and not paying attention to the giant wooden pole that jumped out from behind the bush and got him... (Sarcasm)

I think this wold be under patient safety, not sure let me know, but here it is.

I was in ER visiting friend, I was eves dropping on to another patients case next to me, on the other side of the curtain. Man came in with bumped head and might have slight concussion. Nurse was performing cspine on the man. I can not say if he was fully there or not but he may of had a concussion. He was skateboarding, no helmet and fell and hit head. PAssed out for a few minutes so medics brought him in. He became verbally, NOT physically, but verbally combative. Not super combative by any means but annoying none the less. He wanted to sign out AMA and go on his way. I can not say if he was in the condition to do so, but they were not going for it. After getting more verbal with the nurse, no swear words or anything, but just annoying, she said something that caught my attention and my friends attention whom him self is a paramedic/med school student. The said and I quote, "I need you to be quiet and stop. If you do not stop I will paralyze you and intubate you. Trust me that will not be fun so you need to stop and be quiet." Now, go ahead and read that quoted section again, yes you did read that right. She threatened him with a medical procedure as retaliation as I see it. Now my question is, 1. would that be legal, and 2. whom do I report that to? Mind you, I live in BFE small town, doctors are untouchable and if you try to remove someone from your care team you get a round table meeting with them saying you can not fire anyone from your team, basically they cover for the employees even if they are wrong.

So, what can I do about this? Whom should I report this to? Is there a county or state person outside o the hospital I could report this to if indeed this is wrong? Any help would be great on this. I have to go to this ER from time to time and do not need Nurse Intubate on my team thank you very much :/

Thank you


Specializes in Critical Care.
I'm sure you must be right. The only positive on her blood tox screen was for THC, so the physician dx'd it as marijuana toxicity. Come to think of it, our lab most likely does not have the capability to test for K2/Spice or most other synthetics.

Bath salts also often produce the same psychotic behavior and those also don't show up on routine drugs-of-abuse screens.

Specializes in Short Term/Skilled.

Sounds like she was letting him know what she was going to have to do if he didn't start complying, because she couldn't very well let him get up and walk out.

Although she could have gone about it differently, she was doing her job. MYOB or go to nursing school.

MYOB or go to nursing school.

Yep, that pretty much says it all right there.

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