Patient and hopeful, please help!


Hey guys! I wrote in a here a week or so ago with no response so I thought I'd try again!

I have a 3.5 GPA at my current Community College, trying so desperately to get into their Nursing program, but they do not look at anything but "points" and GPA. I will be retaking the NLN this Fall (since my score can be much better) and hoping to get in for Spring 2013.

My question - if I don't get in next year... should I go and get my Bachelors in something science related, then move on to Physician Assistant? As much as I really want to be a nurse, I also have all my generals and pre-reqs done and you can only take so many classes until there is nothing left or until I need to start retaking classes (mostly just Math, needs to be done every 2 years while waiting.)

Any advice?? I am looking for any opinions, advice, info you name it! I have 8+ years as a PCA and hoping that will strengthen my University application since they do look at experience, but I have seen people with 4.0's get turned away :(

Thank you all! Being patient and hopeful!!


Why not look into other schools in the area and commute? That's what I would do if it were me. I'd look at all the surrounding counties and apply to all of them and see what happens.

why not try applying to different schools, i bet there are tons of school near you.if you really like nursing try different schools, best thing is to apply to like 8-12 different schools to raise your chances on getting accepted.

It's difficult applying to other schools because I do not have all the pre-reqs done for all those schools. 8-12 schools?! There's not that many around here lol. I wish! I only have to the pre-reqs done for Normandale and if I wanted to apply anywhere else, there are 3-4 other classes I need before I can even apply. :(

This next semester and summer (fall and summer) I will be taking those pre-reqs to get a better footing for myself! I just wish schools had similar pre-reqs for the same state. I might also transfer and take courses toward a Biology Bachelors degree while I wait... and if it never happens, get my Bachelor's in Biology and move on to Physician Assistant. As much as I want to be a nurse, I can't wait forever :(

Thanks for the posts you guys!


If you go ahead and get your 3-4 pre-reqs done for the other schools, you can reapply to the school you were turned away from, along with those schools you are completing classes for. That way, you have multiple opportunities of being accepted, rather than putting your eggs in one basket. Does that make sense? It sounds good in my head anyway... :)

So what happens if you don't get into a PA program? Unless you have a burning desire to be a PA, I'm not sure about the feasibility of your plan. I'd definitely look at adding a few more pre-reqs and applying to the other schools. For most schools, the pre-reqs are very similar although some do have some extras.

Oh yes, I am doing pre-reqs for Nursing already. I plan on taking Physiology this summer (required for most anyway) Biology in the Fall, and Micro Biology in Spring 2013 while I'm waiting. The PA program is not as high demand as RN programs and my doc is a PA and I've been sort of drilling her for tons of information about the program, as we only have one program in the state of Minnesota.

I just want to help people and PA or NP were a thought in the back of my mind when I was thinking about Nursing anyway. It's not like I thought "Oh PA, that would be easy and easy to get into" because clearly, it's a difficult program all around :) I plan to get as much info as I can about all the topics I'm thinking about. I really thought that getting or "taking" classes toward a Biology degree while I wait, might help... because soon, I will run out of things to take. The only pre-reqs I'm missing for any other schools are Micro Biology. My school does not require Biology before Micro, but I plan to take them that way since the Science dept at my school is ridiculously difficult.

THanks guys! Will keep you posted. Going to keep trying to push forward....

I'm literally just going to apply to the same school, every semester, until I get that Biology class done for the other schools. Just seems like a long wait, but I'm in it for the long haul :)

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