Published Apr 20, 2016
41 Posts
Hi All,
I'm curious about and interested in wound care and have been for some time. I've been working in a primary care setting for a few years and would like to pursue a career in wound care nursing. I have a couple of questions about this path:
1. Do any wound care clinics or inpatient wound care departments consider hiring nurses who have not yet taken a wound care course and are not yet certified, but have every intention of doing so and would happily agree to sign up for a course upon hire?
2. If I find that I'm not able to be hired directly into wound care due to lack of experience, what would be the best field of nursing to pursue in order to gain some necessary experience? I'd prefer inpatient nursing, but would consider home health nursing if I were advised that it's the best way to gain wound experience.
Thanks so much!
91 Posts
Just curious, seems like so many are trying to get into primary health field job, why the change? I have applied for wound care jobs, not having any experience in it. I have not gotten any callbacks. I am self-funding the WOCN class this fall. I have experience in chronic disease, dialysis. Keep your chin up and good luck!
Thanks Verdeacres! Good luck to you too!
27 Posts
I work at a wound clinic and nobody that works there currently is certified... It took me awhile to find a job in wound care and honestly I think it's just a matter of luck. I applied to the only job I found and somehow managed to get it. I've also learned to google wound centers/hospitals in the area and check their website periodically. Healogics manages tons of wound care centers so check their website also for centers in your area and job postings. Also, use more than 1 job search engine (indeed, simply hired, monster) as some jobs are not posted on all platforms. Good luck! I hope that helps! Just let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks so much, lovesongajp- I'll keep looking and trying!
434 Posts
I have worked in several wound care clinics and none of the nurses were certified. The thinking was that the facility did not want to pay the money they would have had to pay for certified nurses. So those nurses who paid to get their own certifications left for better paying jobs.