Hi All!
I am a senior at a top 20 university that has always been passionate about healthcare, but especially nursing. However, I reluctantly let go of my dream to be a nurse because I was born with Amniotic Band Syndrome.
Amniotic Band Syndrome has left me with disfigured fingers and while I have never had any difficulty carrying out any activities, I am unsure about many things such as:
1.) Will I be able to give injections? My fingers and hands have a pretty strong grip, however my fingers are only 2-3 inches long. My ultimate goal is to be in bedside nursing in a hospital. I am meeting with the dean of nursing at my local cc to discuss the injection part and hopefully I can meet with a clinical instructor at the school and assess whether I can give injections/insert IVs.
2.) Getting a job in general. Given that the job market is so tight and saturated, why would anyone want to hire me when there are other nurses that can perform all duties?
3.) Will patients feel uncomfortable with my hands? Will management or colleagues feel that I am a liability?
At this point, I will still put in applications into PT school, but I still have such a strong desire to be a nurse. Is it realistic?
Thank you so much for your help!