Passed with 105-110

Nursing Students NCLEX


Just found out via quick results. I think I got the last one right so hope this helps others when the CPU shuts off in limbo between 75-265. Good luck to all.

congratulations, ridgerunner!!

i'll bet your glad to have that out of the way! as i tell everyone else, go out and celebrate, and wear the title "rn " with pride. i hope to be in your shoes one day!! great job!


Me too, mine shut off between 115-120.

For all of those that don't know yet, the number is a tiny little thing in the corner of your computer screen. Don't get too hung up on it. When mine went past 75, I relaxed and mostly forgot about that little number (figuring my next stop was 265). Boy was I surprised when it shut off before that.

You often hear of the 75ers or the 265ers, but there are plenty of us in betweeners too.

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