i passed! 75 questions..Thank God!



just found out that i passed the nclex rn this morning!

i am soooo happy!

i thought i would fail because i'm an international graduate and i've read that many international graduates fail the first time.. so i was just so anxious.

took the test last jan 6 and stopped at 75 questions. 70-80% of my questions were prioritizations, got 3 satas, no calculations..

whew! thank you lord!!!!


congrats on passing :)

congratulations!!! what an accomplishment! hope when i get through nursing school (3 semesters left!) i can say the same thing!!! do you know what area you want to specialize in? are you planning on staying where you are or relocating? again, congratulations -- all your hard work has paid off!!! :prdnrs: :balloons:

thank you!

actually i have yet to really decide on that matter (the area..)

but i would prefer to be working in the or someday.. i'm dreaming of becoming a nurse anesthetist..hehe..

yeah, i'm staying..my family is here, so i dont think i would relocate.. :)

time flies by so fast and before you know it, you'll find yourself saying the same thing (i passed!!!) hehe..

god bless you!!! :wink2:

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