Passed NCLEX-RN 2015 (Ran-out-of-time)

Nursing Students NCLEX


So here's my journey towards passing the dreaded NCLEX exam... Ran-out-of-time? You can still Pass. Don't lose hope. Take your time.

I was scheduled to exam on the 29th of December 2015. Went inside the waiting room, ate a chocolate and had a sip of ginger ale. ( This is how I make my brain function for some reason) So when I sat down I prayed and told myself "You're gonna be an RN today" i took my time answering the test and was feeling so confident it seems like I knew everything. I was expecting it to shut down at 75 and but it didn't I started to get anxious and heard my heart go tugshh tugshh lol yeah so the computer keeps on throwing me question after question everything just went downhill. Checked the time and viola! 20 more minutes and Im still on 150ish so obviously I panicked and just click whatever is there til 255 the time out.

I went out from the testing center so upset, numb and just wanna breakdown. I cried for an hour knowing that I did horrible and wished I stayed calm. There's just no way I could pass that test. When I got home composed myself and decided to do the PVT trick used my insufficient debit card and good pop up came. I couldnt believe it I told myself not to rely on it since everybodys saying it inaccurate, 24 hours after checked and still good pop up. I started to feel better 40 hours after received the quick results and PASSED!!!!!!!! It's def a year ender indeed.


>HURST review. if you needed content based review sign up for this. I'ved been out of school for a year and there's just no way I can remember all. I took both Live and Online review. It was awesome. Without a doubt and hesitation)

> Nclex Mastery App

> Nclex 3500

>Kaplan book 2015 ed

>LaCharity Management & Delegation


This sums up my 2015

(And by the way, I'm a foreign graduate from the Philippines)

GoodLuck :)

Hi butterfly2015 it seems like you got the resources you needed. Yes I work per diem job so basically took a 3 week off to study but I still picked up work on the weekends. I studied in my room. I listened to hurst videos for a week and a half and repeated the whole thing 3 times. Answered the q reviews & getting low 70's. As what others said dont panic if you get low scores on the q test it really wont matter as long as you review the ones you got wrong over. I also made use of the apps I posted above here and then. On the third week I did the LaCharity online got about low 60's-80's. It's very similar to actual NCLEX. And I also borrowed my friends flashcards she made from the hurst book. I think thats about it. Just take a month off or study as much as you can. You got this. Goodluck :)

Congratulations!! :D


NCLEX Mastery App, is it the orange and blue app?

Hellokitty22 yes thats the one :)

U will definitely make it

Congratulations, how long did u study for


studied like on and off but I took a good 3 weeks to focused and really studied from 10am- 9pm :) it's tough but so worth it :)

Great job! Congratulations!


I will keep you posted!!!!!!


I tried the Hurst Review Online and the Hurst remedial. Unfortunately I did not pass on neither try. Any suggestions on what to do next. My Hurst login is good for a few more weeks.

Any book or program you reccommend for practice questions?

I need all the help I can get as I am running out of time to take the exam. I have tried multiple times and like you i had taken a year off for personal matters. Any tips you have I will truly appreciate.

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