Published Apr 20, 2011
72 Posts
I graduated nursing school in December 2009, worked in a ER as a graduate nurse for 4 months, failed my nclex on the first try, retested again and failed on the second try. I need to resign from my position, and there were no nursing assistant positions available. Luckily, financially I was able to survive and just focused on passing on the third try in August 2010. Unfortunately, I did not pass, and at this point I was really devastated, wanted to quit it all, but if it wasnt for my family, and the passion that I knew had for nursing, then I would have. Thank God and everyone I didnt because I finally passed in March 2011. Now I have been applying all over my area in Michigan, but Im not getting any call backs except emails from different positions saying THank you for you interest but as of right now we are goin with some with more experience. I hope the fact that I havent worked in Nursing for a year isnt steering me away from getting a job. I just really want to start my career as RN. Ive worked so hard to get here as we all have, but this is getting frustrating. Does anyone have any advice if this is normal or is this a problem for me not getting a job out there because Ive been a way from it for a year. Technically my knowledge definitly hasnt because all I did with my life was study this last year, but clinically Ive been away from it. Thanks for your help!!!!
63 Posts
Wow! No advice for jobs but I can tell you that your my inspiration! Taking nclex May 11th and Im so scsred of failing but I know that I wont give up!
Have you failed before?? Just go in with confidence, thats one thing I didnt go in with my first time, which made even harder to go in second and third because my confidence was gone at that point, but it is the best feeling in my entire life, and I will appreciate nursing all that much more because Ive worked so hard for it. You will pass, just study and have CONFIDENCE!!!! NOw I just need faith that I will get a job!!! Im probably just inpatient because its been so long!
No this will be my first time taking nclex. I really havent been studying much since I have three kids and I get burnt out! A couple of friends of mine passed nclex a year ago and are just getting jobs now so I think it has to do with the economy. Im sure you will find something soon. Maybe try nursing homes because they are always in need.
Wow..really, they passed a year ago and are just now finding jobs!!! Oh God that freaks me out!!!! Where do you live?
In ny how about you?
49 Posts
how did you study and what did you do differently to pass on the fourth time?
38,333 Posts
:ancong!: on your success. Be persistent in your job search and you will be successful getting a job too.
17 Posts
hey, how are u studying, am also taking the exam in less than two and am scared...what materials are u using?
Im using saunders 4th edition disk, exam cram disk, and I just did hurst live review which i loved! How about u?
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Moved to the first year after license forum
am taking my exam on the 6th of may