Passed NCLEX first try...some encouragement for other observers

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi everyone, I recently became an observer within the last 2 weeks and found this website very helpful and encouraging. I am writing this in hopes to encourage others that are just observing right now as well. Every semester, I was always on the verge of not passing, but I ended up passing and graduating this past May. I was one of the students who the teachers thought were not going to pass the NCLEX on the first try. By the grace of God, I did pass on the first try! I found out today I passed. I got 265 questions and it took me 4 LONG hours, with no breaks and at times, loud, laughing proctors who were administering my test.

I just want to encourage those of you still waiting to take your test to not give up. I used Hurst AND Kaplan. My Kaplan scores were all in the 50s with only one 64%. So don't be freaked out if you get in the 50s...that just means you may have a longer test, like I did. And getting 265 questions is not necessarily a bad thing, either.

A bible verse I found very encouraging is from Psalm 143:8 "Let me experience your faithful Love in the morning, for I trust in you. Reveal to me the way I should go, because I long for you." Just ask God to guide and be with you every step of the way and he WILL! Good luck to the rest of yall preparing to take your test.

Oh and the PVT trick...I didn't attempt it until after I got my final results, because I wanted to be patient...but I'm guessing it does work!

Congratulations! Yeah I get a LOT of 50s and 60s...I hope I could make it too.

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