Passed Microbiology exam!

Nursing Students Excelsior


Hi everyone, this post is meant to be for inspiration for anyone, like myself who has been studying & stressing on taking this micro exam. Microbiology has never been my strong subject and still isn't my favorite, but parts are interesting! I took both practice exams, scored mid-50's on both. :( I studied another week after exam b and decided to go for it. I just wanted to get started on my nursing exams!! So I went today, took my time (2 hours) and passed with a C! The practice exams are much harder and the questions are more complex than what is presented on the actual exams. Phew! I hope this helps those sweating it... just know the basics,follow EC content guidelines, take the practice exams and you got it! Now onward to the fun and interesting exams! :yes:

Congrats. I was suppose to take my exam on Friday but got nervous and rescheduled for the 14th of next month. I scored a 49 and 53 on the practice exams :( Currently using vangonotes and study group 101. Any suggestions?

I scored a 49 on the practice test the weekend before my test, so don't let that get you too nervous. I used SG101 and just reviewed everything in there! One aspect I thought was excellent of SG101 was a sectioned called "things that are good to know" ( or something to that affect). I printed that off and read through it a bunch. I definitely saw several things in the test that matched that section. Also, I watched "Microbiology Lectures" by George Cromwell on YouTube several times. I read Microbiology Demystified, which was good, but a little scattered. Sorry this is starting to ramble a little, but I also made flash cards for each of the specific virus/bacteria etc. listed in the content guide.

The test is not easy, but if you study based off the harder practice test, you will find the actual test not as in depth as the practice exam.

Good luck!!! I fought every urge to reschedule and just jumped without looking.

Specializes in LTC.

Thank you so much for responding! I also read microbiology demystified, I need to utilize study group 101 more than I have. I definitely appreciate your advice.

Awesome job! This one was more stressful for me then some of the nursing exams. You're on your way to putting those two letters next to your name! Congrats!

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