Part-time student for one semester, will that look bad when applying to nursing school???


Hello Hello!

So for Spring 17' I only took 10 credit hours because I was on academic probation and I wanted to raise my gpa. Will that look bad when applying to nursing school? I actually didn't realize I was considered part-time until today....

Help please!!

Thank you :)

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I would be more concerned with the fact that you were on academic probation..

Being on a part time basis while taking prerequisites shouldn't deter you from getting accepted to a program; this isn't med school. But being on academic probation will probably raise some red flags for you and that may cause a definite problem for you.

Are my chances of getting in extremely difficult because of the fact that I was on probatioin?

You need to talk to an advisor at school. Surely you know that academic probation is not going to help you reach your goals, don't you? You should know that the "academic probation" notation remains on your transcripts.

Are my chances of getting in extremely difficult because of the fact that I was on probatioin?

I'm sure if you show continous improvement by bringing your grades up and score competitively on the entrance exam--if your school of choice has one-- then it will give you a greater fighting chance to get into a nursing program. But right now just focus on getting off of academic probation and take a light course load if it'll help to keep you focus on grade repair.

Also you should speak to your advisor on what your best course action should be going forward as well.

Most schools do not care about part-time status while you are completing your prerequisites. Although, your grades and academic standing are very important. Talk to an advisor if you can. Best of luck!

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