Oy, the kvetching!


Okay so I've heard how all of the younger students are goofs and idiots, and how all of the older students are rude and don't care. I've heard how some of the "old nurses" are bitter and have sour grapes, and how some instructors are the source of all evil :hlk:I've heard how inconsiderate my fellow students are and how some people are "C" students but still nurses, and how "A" students are overachieving @@fill in the blanks@@. :argue: :angryfire

Tired of it :deadhorse

So here is what I want to know - what nice things can you say about your fellow students and everyone else?

I'll go first - I love that some of the younger students I know bring an energy and a joy to just being able to do this that I feel energized by their presence. It helps when I feel old and beat!

I love that I'm not the youngest student I know :D

I love the instructors that I have thought were the hardest and/or most evil, that have dragged me kicking and screaming to being a better nurse on a daily basis.

I enjoy working with some of the "C" students to help them stay in school, they challenge me to be a better student and know that material better to help them.

I love the students that I study with, who work hard all the time, who struggle to balance lives kids husbands jobs and keep it together. And that I know I can call and scream and cry about how terribly unfair nursing school is and how hard :cry:

I love the nurses on the floor who, despite being busy as a one armed paperhanger (like the way I avoided a cuss word - I'm so proud) have taken the time to teach me and guide me and help me be a better nurse. :bow:

In short, I am fortunate that the good people outnumber the bad. That no matter how frustrated I get I still love what I do. I love having a place like allnurses to talk about it - and to vent, and to hear the vents of others.

Tell me ...do you have anything nice to say?

Just dance:dancgrp:

Again this post does not reflect anyone's opinion but my own, and really only my own as of this moment since I am fickle beyond belief!


I love the life long friends I have met at uni

I love the fact our lectures know our names (only a small uni of about 100 nursing students per year)

I love that when i'm at uni, I feel supported to learn and encouraged to do my best.

I have just finished my first semester of a 3yr degree in Australia, and I'm loving everything about being a nursing student (well everything other than the sick nervous feeling before exams). Our year intake was around 150 students, it has dropped to around 100 and everyone is really nice. Our teachers know most people (those that come to class at least) and are really helpful and encourage us to ask questions.

great thread :-)

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