OU Traditional BSN Fall 2014

U.S.A. Oklahoma


Does anyone know or have any feedback they can provide with regards to the stats of past classes in this program. I am curious what the overall GPA and science GPA's typically look like for those who get accepted. Thank you

OUHSC Application Status - The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

login here and on the home page it has your applications and which places you applied to. but mine has changed from 3 application locations to 1... so i was wondering if anyone else has checked their status page to see if it has changed. the lady i emailed told me they were going through applications.

ah-ha haha I have never seen this site before. I put in all my info and it says there are no applications meeting the criteria I typed in. I only applied to one location so I'm assuming it was removed. I applied to OKC

Yeah that site is for you to check to see if your transcripts have been received, etc. and i figured out it had the applications under the home tab.

None of mine have changed yet, still looking at all 3. Do you have any idea when they will send out results?

Not sure JasonRD. I looked at past threads and it seems like maybe by the 3rd week in April.

I got selected as an alternate for all three campuses this year. My application status has not changed on their website. The only reason I found out is because I got an email from OU Nursing admission around noon today. Last year, I did not get into any campus (not even alternate) and all I got was letters in the mail.

Congrats bromero! I hope you're able to secure a spot once they know the plans for all of those who were accepted.

acabadas have you previously applied? I'm trying to figure out my chances. I called the nursing advisor at OKC and she said there is no ranking system to alternates and would not let me know how many alternates were selected. I'm wondering if anyone has any insight to this. I'm in the Navy and selection to Nursing school will determine my next relocation orders. I'm grateful I made the wait list, but so much is up in the air that I'm stressing out like crazy.

moorelady2014, a previous post said if you only have one application remaining from the three that is the campus that you got accepted to. If this is correct that means you were accepted.

I got an email yesterday!! :)

Congrats moorelady2014!! What campus did you get into?

Thank you! OKC! I live in moore so it will be perfect!

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