Published Dec 15, 2014
29 Posts
I'm pretty new to this site so i am not quite sure how to go about this thread but I was wondering if anyone else was accepted into OU's (university of oklahoma) Accelerated BSN program for summer 2015 start? Does anyone know about living around the OKC area? I am from NY so Oklahoma is a big stretch for me! Any advice would be great! And is anyone else out of state?!
10 Posts
Congrats on your acceptance! I graduated from the OU ABSN program in '12. I have also lived in Oklahoma City most of my life. What are you wanting to know?
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Moved to the Oklahoma state forum
dphom, BSN, MSN, RN, APRN, NP
48 Posts
I got accepted to the program as well! I was born and raised in Oklahoma City, so I feel like I know the area pretty well. Since OUHSC is near downtown, the prices for a decent apartment is going to be even more expensive than the surrounding areas, I'm assuming at least $1200+. A lot of the area around the school will be historical or sometimes "ghetto." I live in the Deer Creek district, close to Quail Springs Mall area. There are quite a few new apartment complexes that range from $800+. There's always something to do up here... restaurants, bars, mall, grocery stores, etc. I think it's worth the money due to the area and the safety. My kind of pricey doesn't compare to NY's rent though! I would suggest staying in NW OKC/Edmond area. It's about a 20 minute drive from campus and easy access to the highway. Beware of the NW Penn & Memorial/122nd St area though. That's just my two cents! :)
Hello,Congrats on your acceptance! I graduated from the OU ABSN program in '12. I have also lived in Oklahoma City most of my life. What are you wanting to know?
Hey scott5383! How was the program? I won't be working so I'll be able to focus on school work and clinicals. Did you like the clinicals whay was the hardest part of the program? Did you immediately sit for your boards? Any information is helpful!!!! Thanks!!
72 Posts
They have gated student housing. Its pretty cheap a studio is $600. They also pay for your internet, laundry, water and sewer. I suggest that because you really should limit your time working so that you can study. Any decent place were you don't have to worry about getting robbed is going to be at LEAST $700/month. I would suggest apartments North of Memorial road near Quail Springs Mall. Edmond is ok buts its a longer drive.
8 Posts
Hello, I have been accepted into the 2017 prog and wanted some information since I am a single mom and want to plan well, I can have help 8-5 but are there days when you start say as early as 6? I hear during clinical they start early and do they start at the start of prog or mid or end