OU Nurse Practitioner 2017

Nursing Students NP Students


Anyone applied for the 2017 FNP program?

Wow really? Congratulations! !!

So you got an email putting you on the waiting list then you got accepted? Great ;) couldn't be happier for you. Study hard!!!

Thank you! Yes, I got waitlisted via email and got a call that there was a spot that had opened up.

Thank you! Yes, I got waitlisted via email and got a call that there was a spot that had opened up.

Ok so I am back and about to turn in my application! What do you feel like really helped set you apart from other candidates as far as getting in? Anyone can answer this question that was accepted! Thank you so much!

Research and know what exactly a FNP is and what they do; especially in Oklahoma. Organize your thoughts and figure out your strengths (clinical and as a student), how that sets you apart from others, and relate that your role as a FNP. Practice, be confident, and good luck!

Make sure you have good grammar and content on your essay.

That's really insightful and gave me a lot to think about! Thank you again for your response and I appreciate you for taking the time!!!

I am applying too for the June program. Good luck!

I also applied for 18 but am having a problem with CAS and my transcripts...uhh. has anyone gotten interview dates?

I also applied for 18 but am having a problem with CAS and my transcripts...uhh. has anyone gotten interview dates?

Since there has been two holidays and staff just got back to work today I'm not expecting them to send out interview information until late January or February. When I called they did state that they allow a grace period for snail mail transcripts. I did not ask if they had to be verified in CAS by the 15th of December and it was not stated that it had to in their FAQ's so hopefully that is good news!

I had some problems with my transcripts also. Right after the holiday was over they sent me an email saying they received them all. Hope they are able to process your's pretty fast too!

Hey did anyone hear anything yet? I also applied ou for 2018. Do you know that they care more for experience or GPA?

Hey did anyone hear anything yet? I also applied ou for 2018. Do you know that they care more for experience or GPA?
To be honest, I have no clue and I haven't heard anything. They are very vague when you call them as far as whether they place more emphasis on grades or experience so I'm thinking everyone has a fair chance. I'm just hoping for the best at this point. I'm thinking it will be a couple of more weeks of waiting to find out anything.. I hope we all receive good news!

They look at the overall application. I think they consider GPA more though because the school probably wants to retain competitiveness and higher numbers. I know that's not very helpful. There are people who got in with minimal experience to 10+ years. It's really how you look on paper and sell yourself if you're granted an interview.

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