Ottawa CEP Group


Wanted to start a group chat for anyone who will be partnering with Ottawa, (regardless of your chosen community college), for the CEP program!

Please jump in and introduce yourself - be great to be able to discuss homework and other stuff once classes begin on the 21st!

Hi Apple-Core,

I will be starting with Ottawa next month. Do you mind sharing how your experience has been so far? I was just accepted to the CEP program March 1st so, I am in the very beginning. My experience with -------------- has been great so far.

I've sent you a private message =0)

Specializes in Neuro.

-------------- is great! Congrats on getting in!

Is it possible to graduate within 24 months?

The program starts in the semester before you start community college. For example, if you start in Spring 2020 (January) with the college, you will have started Ottawa classes in the fall of 2019. Each student will have a slightly different class pathway because of credits transferred in from previous degrees etc.

For the most part, the course is designed to be completed at the same time that you graduate from the nursing degree at CC. So, in the example I gave above, if you start Spring 2020 you will graduate from CC in Fall 2021, and if you have stayed on track with Ottawa you should graduate from them in Fall 2021 too.

Total Ottawa class time for most people is therefore 2.5 years. There certainly may be a way to slim it down to 2 years though - you should speak to an advisor about doing that. My suggestion would be to spread things out as much as possible though - your real focus needs to be on the CC classes, since without passing them you can't continue with Ottawa (or whichever university you were with) anyway~!

Specializes in CNA.

Hello! I know that this topic is over a year old now but, I would be interested in hearing about any experiences with Ottawa's CEP. I plan to apply for the CEP in May of this year and am considering Ottawa. Thank you ahead of time!

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