OTs versus RNs


Did anyone ever consider going to school for OT? Why or Why not?

Did anyone ever consider going to school for OT? Why or Why not?

I went to school for COTA. When PPS came about I felt that I was spending more time on paper work then seeing my patients. Also I felt people weren't getting the therapy time that they needed to return to being independent within their diagnosis.

Having said that, there is alot of paperwork in nursing as well. I work on a tele unit and love it. Yes there is the junk that you have at every job. The great thing about nursing is that there are so many different areas that you can work in.

Nursing is a tough area to work in but it can be fullfilling as well. Good luck with your decision. Have you thought about shadowing someone from both professions??? I think that might help you.

I went to school for COTA. When PPS came about I felt that I was spending more time on paper work then seeing my patients. Also I felt people weren't getting the therapy time that they need to return to and independance within their diagnosis.

Having said that, there is alot of paperwork in nursing as well. I work on a tele unit and love it. Yes there is the junk that you have at every job, and I sometimes wonder if I made the right decision. The great thing about nursing is that there are so many different areas that you can work in.

Nursing is a tough area to work in but it can be fullfilling as well. Good luck with your decision. Have you though about shadowing someone from both professions??? i think that might help you.

Yea that is a good idea ( shadowing both). I am a special ed major--haven't decided whether to get a 2nd degree in OT or nursing. I know that nursing programs are usually shorter. Do OTs get a chance of over-time hours like RNs?

Yea that is a good idea ( shadowing both). I am a special ed major--haven't decided whether to get a 2nd degree in OT or nursing. I know that nursing programs are usually shorter. Do OTs get a chance of over-time hours like RNs?

There are different lengths of school for nursing ranging from 18 months to 5-6 years or longer. The wait to get into school can also be difficult as there is a shortage of nursing instructors, so they can only accept a certain number of students each semester

When I worked in OT it was very rare that you were allowed to work overtime.

Yea that is a good idea ( shadowing both). I am a special ed major--haven't decided whether to get a 2nd degree in OT or nursing. I know that nursing programs are usually shorter. Do OTs get a chance of over-time hours like RNs?

I don't know if OTs get overtime hours like nurses do, but I do know that OT's make a lot more money that nurses do in the hospital. They can open out patient therapy centers, like PT's do. My sister in laws neice became a Occupational Therapist many, many years ago, and opened up an out patient Therapy Center RIGHT AFTER SHE GRADUATED FROM COLLEGE. She is now making in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not billing for a million a year, and very happy that she took the plunge right out of school. She is the envy of her classmates. Nurses can do the same thing, but nurses are not socialized in school or encouraged, to explore these business options. OTs learn about how to start a business while still in school. So do Physical Therapists. It is a required class. They now have a MASTERS AS ENTRY INTO PRACTICE, AND I BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE GOING TO A DOCTORATE LIKE THE PHYSICAL THERAPIST DID. I would rather have the opportunity to bill for my services, than kill my self working overtime. JMHO.

Lindarn, RN, BSN, CCRN

Spokane, Washington

I am in school now working on getting my associates degree in occupational therapy, so I can become a COTA. After that I may go on to get my masters in occupational therapy, but right now I am undecided about that.

Good luck with whatever you decide

I decided between OT and nursing school- I tried both! I eventually ended up going for my Master's in OT. If I can answer any questions for you, let me know!

Wow. My mom got her BS in Occupational Therapy, and now we find out that the school is being investigated because SUCH a low percentage of graduates are actually PASSING their certification exams. It's a mess. And in our area, there are no OT jobs and they get paid LESS than RN's starting out. She's on the same wait list as I am for an ADN program at a local Community College.

Well, she also should have done more research, but that's a whole other story. :) She just wanted a degree, so she could support us kids and divorce my crappy father. Nursing would have been SO much better for her, from the start. Oh well, hindsight is always 20/20, isn't it?

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