Published Jan 5, 2010
16 Posts
Other than day surgeries, and centers like vannie cook, where else can I look for a day job in nursing? I'm a single mom with 2 kids about to finish school, and would love to do 12 hr shifts, but feel kinda guilty pulling this off just now... maybe when they're a bit older.
Any input would be awesome!!
660 Posts
Doctor's office, clinic, urgent care, outpatient dialysis, infusion centers, and home health come to mind.
colleennurse, ASN, RN
342 Posts
Home Health is good option if you have kids. You generally will get weekends off(if you casemanage-at least the agencies where I live) and you have a flexible schedule. Can be boring at times, depends on what your caseload exists of.
Purple_Scrubs, BSN, RN
1 Article; 1,978 Posts
How about school nursing?
Southern Fried RN
107 Posts
Out-patient endo clinic. Just moderate sedation so they wake up even quicker!
Thanks everyone!! Keep 'em coming...