Published Apr 7, 2015
48 Posts
I would love to move to AZ by next year. At the moment I am in a med/surge/oncology floor... I am moving to the orthopedic/neurosurgery and some med/surge floor. I love that floor as there is no more oncology patients and I love to work with ortho patients the most. They have less co-morbidities for the most part and lesser of a cancer background.
Anyways, do they have hospitals with orthopedic floors over in AZ? 12 hour shifts? if so, which ones?
I've been browsing online and all I see is mostly med/surge positions, and what do the med/surge positions consist of in AZ, here we have half and half, half med/surge, half oncology... is oncology involved there too or is that on a different floor?
Thank you!!!
1,761 Posts
Out here most hospitals that I have seen have separate oncology floors because of certification requirements to admin chemo meds and such. You might get a cancer patient on the other floors if what they are admitted for is not primarily their cancer treatment. But outside of that, they are separate. And the hospital floors are usually all med/surg floors that part specialty units and part general med/surg floors.
I am just a student, but during clinical each unit will usually have a specialty, but will also be half overflow of general med/surg.
Okay, thank you very much, you have answered my question!!! :)
51 Posts
We have a newer boutique orthopedic hospital here OASIS Hospital - The Valley's Premier Orthopedic and Spine Hospital might be right up your alley since it's all ortho.
Thank you very much, sounds very nice... It looks like a very nice hospital :)
39 Posts
Banner University Medical Center Phoenix aka Good Samaritan has an Ortho floor. 7th floor.
Red Kryptonite
2,212 Posts
When I worked at Banner Baywood in Mesa three years ago it had an ortho floor. No reason to think that's changed.
Tip: try to get out here by end of summer and start applying to jobs. Fall is hiring season thanks to the population increase from the snowbirds coming in.