Organizing clinic


This is my first year as elementary school nurse and I am trying to figure out how to organize my clinic.. For example, meds-do you use weekly pill boxes for each child? Or do you just pull pill bottle out each day as they come in?

Do do you have first aide kits in each classroom?

Any ideas/advice for organizing and running a clinic smoothly would be appreciated 😊

If you get any response, please let me know! I'm in the same boat! I start tomorrow, and will have 3 elementary schools

I think you'll find you need to keep your meds in the original containers - whether bottle or card- and probably in a lockable cupboard (except insulin or other refrigerator items). You can keep them by grade, time, alphabetical..whatever make the most sense for use. I do alphabetical with dailys in front and the same child's prn's in a baggie behind. Diabetic students each have a supply kit , shoe box size, that is not in the secure cupboard. Even if the classrooms have kits you will probably see anything that is beyond a basic strip band-aid. Figure out ice for your you use snap- packs or gels in a freezer or get ice daily from the kitchen :-) hope that helps some

You really should keep the medication in the original container. It's a requirement in my district. Maybe yours is different. I would review policy to make sure if I was you (If you haven't already).

Oh, and I do not have first aid kits in each classroom. I work in a high school though. We are also on a tight budget so it's not really feasible to have first aid kits in every classroom.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Oncology, School Nursing, OB.

Our meds required to be in original container at all times. Classes don't get first aid kits but I do pass out bandaids to classes that want them. Keep ice well stocked.

Thank you for the input!

I have a big jar of band aids on my desk, because kids are always coming down for that.

I hide the tampons behind my desk, or else the teachers will steal them all!

I know that in Arkansas I have to keep my meds double locked in the original containers. The majority of my prescription meds are for ADHD. The rescue inhalers can be left in an unlocked cabinet/drawer for easy access. My OTC meds also have to be in original containers, with the childs name and written orders from the parent as to when and why to give. I also keep these locked. When I came in last year after the school year had already started, I gave myself a little time to see what I used the most and then started reorganizing the office. I am still learning. Give yourself some time. The other nurses are correct when they say have your ice pack plan ready LOL! Just be sure that you check with your State Board of Nursing as to what you can do and make sure you are in compliance with your meds. Good luck! I think I have the greatest job in the world

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