I asked this question to my sister-in-law who is a SRNA but I just wanted to get the opinions of some CRNAs. I recently observed an organ procurement in my OR rotation. I was a little shocked by the fact that the donor did not receive any anesthesia what-so-ever. I know that she was brain dead, and that was the reason for not giving any anesthesia but I thought to myself, " how does anyone know that this woman can't feel this?" My sis-in-law stated that there are ways to tell if a person is able to "feel" or know they are experiencing pain. I was wondering if someone could explain this to me a little bit. She said that the person's BP and HR would skyrocket but I was thinking that if they are brain dead, maybe those funtions wouldn't work right. My husband and I are organ donors and nothing would change that, but we have children who, until I saw that surgery, we had decided to donate their organs if something ever happened to them. Now we're not so sure. Can anyone help me understand this a little better?