Published May 24, 2006
6 Posts
My hospital is not a trauma center at all. I am thinking of relocating to a city that does have some major trauma centers. I was wondering how different trauma is from regular cases. What type of person does it take to do trauma?
Capt ODP
5 Posts
I love the trauma side of theatres here in the UK, its true, however that is does differ slightly to normal lists! I find the thing that keeps it so interesting is the variety and the charged environment of say, a multiple stabbing case, in comparison to a routine hip replacement. The two are a world apart. My advice to you would be to get some time in emergency theatre and see if you have the taste for it! Its a real think on your feet environment . Good luck.
122 Posts
I believe organized chaos could be used to describe it, but I love organized chaos. You can keep the hernia's, lap chole's and all the other routine stuff.
528 Posts
I believe organized chaos could be used to describe it, but I love organized chaos. You can keep the hernia's, lap chole's and all the other routine stuff.Marijke
84 Posts
Not all trauma is exciting or urgent. Those cases that are can be draining phyically mentally emotionally and spiritually. What I find challenging is that you don't know what your next case will be and so you have to be prepared for anything. Experience (not just in nursing but also in general life skills), willingness to learn, flexibility, good team member, & physical stamina are great assests. So to is a good support network outside of the OR!
24 Posts
Good description, I agree. Keep the bread and butter cases give me a good trauma crani. or gunshot wound anytime.I love not knowing what will be coming through the doors next. Life is never boring.
2 Posts
OR trauma is, like they said, Organized chaos. However, just as an orchestra, it depends on the conductor. I work with some trauma surgeons that are excellent. And I would dare say the tops in their game. In a major trauma center a big trauma is like playing in that big game every day at work.. Very gratifying and instantly too... I would say that possibly you should look into an academic setting. You will say "WHAT THE...." every day you are there....
159 Posts
Ok, don't think I am crazy, but with trauma I love the blood and guts of it, the not knowing and the race to help the patient. Maybe I am an adrenaline junky!