Oppinions Please on 27 Weeker

Specialties NICU


Hey everybody,

I have browsed your threads a few times, but I work in adult ICU so I'm not in the know about the teeny babies. I have a family situation though that I'd like your thoughts on. My sister in law is pregnant 27 weeks gestation. She started leaking amniotic fluid about 22-23 weeks. She's been seeing high risk OB weekly and has been hospitalized twice so far. About two weeks ago, she got put in the hospital until she delivers b/c she continued to leak amniotic fluid so she and the baby could be monitored more closely. The started her on prednisone to help the baby's lungs, his chest is growing, HR is strong and a good rate, he's active and gaining weight, so all seemed to be going well. Her leaking had also slowed down. Now, a couple of days ago she started bleeding, and the docs are talking a C-Section. I have already started trying to prepare the family for the possibility that the baby will be very sick b/c of lungs/organ/immune system not being fully developed plus the stress of coming out of the uterus so early.

My question is based on everyone's experience, how do these early ones usually do? I know it probably varies widely in respect to mom's history (healthy 1st pregnancy no medical hx on mom or family to complicate things), how delivery goes, unusual complications sometimes after birth, etc. I'm just trying to get a feel for what to expect. I've been anticipating he'll be in NICU at bare minimum for 2-3 months-is this about accurate? I also think if I remember correctly that 24 weeks is considered viable, but I know the longer she can be held off the less the risk of morbidity/mortality for the baby. I think part of the concern also is that the docs can't agree on exactly what it going on. One says possible infection-but blood work supposedly not showing any infection is what they told her, one says he thinks she's possibly abrupting her placenta-makes most sense to me since she's had lot of bleeding/abdominal pain, and the nurse says she thinks it is just plain old pre term labor.

I would really appreciate hearing any experiences you've had with these babies either good or bad. Thanks!

I am very sorry. I hope everyone is ok. You will be in my prayers.

I am so very sorry as well. :o

I wanted to give your SIL some website that can really help her through this horrible time.




Please PM me if you have any questions or would like to get my email for her. I will be glad to talk to her. My dh and I lost our first baby when he was 10 weeks old due to NEC after open heart surgery for a CHD.

Please accept my sympathy for you and family, especially sister in law! I'm new to NICU but have already learned that anything can happen with any baby. They survive against all odds, or don't make it despite "better" odds...my own good friend lost a baby not too long ago. She found a support group online that is enormously comforting to her. Perhaps your sister-in-law might be ready for that kind of suggestion when a little more time has passed...I'm sure that your nursing skills and obvious compassion are helping you to provide the loving support she needs right now!

Thanks everyone. It's been a week full of emotions. I was kind of in shock at first, not wanting to accept it. I had kind of prepared myself (I thought) for the possibility that he may not make it, but you always keep that hope with you that things will turn out well. Slowly they are taking it day by day and dealing with it very well, I know alot better than I would be able to. It's hard on the family though knowing what to say when you know nothing you say is going to make it better right now. We've just let them know we're here for them for anything they need, and atleast my SIL is doing well. She got a clean bill of health, and the doctor did tell her he had never seen a mom go through something like this twice. We were glad to hear that so when they are ready down the road, hopefully things will go better. She is an amazing person and has been so strong, she really did get alot of help from the nurses and you guys do a wonderful job with these parents and their little ones. Thanks again everyone for all you kind thoughts and words.

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