Open mouth, insert foot...

Nurses General Nursing


We have all had a time in our lives where the most unfortunate things have come out of our mouths, and a coworker of mine had one recently, that while it caused an immediate cringe, could be looked back upon later with a chuckle, because we've ALL done it.

We had a successful post code, drowning victim that was lethargic but oriented. While doing an Xray, my coworker stated "OK, hold your breath like you're going under water!"

Thankfully the pt didn't seem to grasp the ridiculousness of that statement, but I assure you we all had that immediate pucker - factor moment! What ridiculously hilarious things have you all said that you wished you could take back, but are still somehow humorous?

It wasn't me but I was in the room when one of my coworkers was calling patients to schedule colonoscopies. He called this dude and the mans wife answered and explained that he was unable to get to the phone my buddy asked when a good time to call back would be and she said probably a week ago before he died...

I don't think in my life I have ever seen someone turn so red so fast

My fave like this was not me, but the hospital operator. One day she said over the overhead, "Paging Dr. .... , please call the operator, Dr. .... ." And then not realizing her mic was still live, she said, "... That *** ****." Brought down the house all over the whole hospital. Funny thing was, he really was one, and we all knew it. Even the operators.

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