Open mouth ... Insert foot


This is NOT the way to make an impression on your FIRST DAY.

So after much work, I am now officially a CRNA! WooHoo, Yeah! I worked as an RN in the ER for a few years before hand, while I banked some money to go back to school. So, yesterday was my first official day as a CRNA, now, there is an anesthesiologist resident there everyone was calling Dr.W. He seemed like a REALLY nice guy (pretty cute too) all the nurses said he was a "sweetheart"

Well, Dr.W was gathered around a bunch of us, he was showing the nurses the engagement ring (really nice diamond band) he purchased for his soon-to-be fiance. Of course we were all giddy (and trying it on) , I mean come on, what girl doesn't love jewelry, LOL. One of the other team members passed the ring to me and I looked at it, and upon trying it on Dr.W asked my opinion and If I like it, I told him that it was very nice, but it was a little modern for me, seeming like he was being inquisitive I told him, it seemed a little "masculine". To which he smirks and says "Well, I guess its a good thing I'm marrying a man then isn't it?" :eek::eek::eek:

I wanted to crawl back to the ER and die! I felt like such an a**. I almost couldn't even face him for the rest of the day. At the end of my shift I pulled him aside and apologized profusely. He gave me a hug and told me not to worry, and he wasn't offended at all, he told me it actually amused him for the day.

Ok, I'm hoping you all will share a few embarrassing "open mouth... insert foot" moments with me to make me not feel so bad after today. Love reading all your posts!!!!

*sigh* WHY, do all the good ones have to be gay???

Specializes in Plastics. General Surgery. ITU. Oncology.

I was admitting a very nice old chap in his late seventies. With him was a glamourous young woman who looked to be in her early thirties and was obviously pregnant.

All went swimmingly, I finished the admission then said "Shall I give your daughter the ward's telephone numbers?"

"That's not my daughter she's my WIFE" the gentleman replied.

Exit me footwear firmly in oral orifice.

I know I would have thought that was his daughter as well. im sure alot of people would have and this probably isnt the first time they had to deal with it. So don't worry :)

Specializes in soon cwocn.

I was in our weekly skincare meeting with the administrator, DON, dietician, and other staff nurses. I go down the list of my patients skin issues explaining care plans, tx and progress. I get to patient so and so who has a foley and edematous member and I say without even hearing myself, " as for patient so and so's member (pause to think of how to explain the progress) we are making headway". The room got quiet and my co- worker's face was red and she was giving me a funny look. A minute later our ever so proper administrator starts cracking up laughing. I must have looked at her like I missed something and she said your making headway? I turned all kinds of red, apologized and explained that I didn't realize the pun I had just made. :chair:

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