This is NOT the way to make an impression on your FIRST DAY.
So after much work, I am now officially a CRNA! WooHoo, Yeah! I worked as an RN in the ER for a few years before hand, while I banked some money to go back to school. So, yesterday was my first official day as a CRNA, now, there is an anesthesiologist resident there everyone was calling Dr.W. He seemed like a REALLY nice guy (pretty cute too) all the nurses said he was a "sweetheart"
Well, Dr.W was gathered around a bunch of us, he was showing the nurses the engagement ring (really nice diamond band) he purchased for his soon-to-be fiance. Of course we were all giddy (and trying it on) , I mean come on, what girl doesn't love jewelry, LOL. One of the other team members passed the ring to me and I looked at it, and upon trying it on Dr.W asked my opinion and If I like it, I told him that it was very nice, but it was a little modern for me, seeming like he was being inquisitive I told him, it seemed a little "masculine". To which he smirks and says "Well, I guess its a good thing I'm marrying a man then isn't it?" :eek:
I wanted to crawl back to the ER and die! I felt like such an a**. I almost couldn't even face him for the rest of the day. At the end of my shift I pulled him aside and apologized profusely. He gave me a hug and told me not to worry, and he wasn't offended at all, he told me it actually amused him for the day.
Ok, I'm hoping you all will share a few embarrassing "open mouth... insert foot" moments with me to make me not feel so bad after today. Love reading all your posts!!!!
*sigh* WHY, do all the good ones have to be gay???