Ontario hospitals who don't hire RPNs?

World International


Specializes in ED.

I was reading the post below about some GTA hospitals that don't hire RPNs...does anyone know of other Ontario hospitals that are RN only? Thanks in advance :)

Specializes in Geriatrics, Med-Surg..

As mentioned in this forum, the downtown Toronto hospitals only hire RN's. St. Mary's in Kitchener hires only RN's as it is mainly a cardiac care hospital. Most hospitals in the GTA hire some RPN's.

I noticed that you work in Emergency from your profile and I don't think that many hospitals hire RPN's in Emergency.

Specializes in ED.

Our hospital is beginning to hire some RPNs into the ER, but they are only in our clinical decision unit (mostly admitted pts waiting for med-surg beds or waiting for test results). They are obviously not caring for unstable pts and they are always working alongside a RN...there are many mixed feelings whether they should even be allowed to work in CDU with a RN or not, but for the time being they're there.

ETA: I'm a RN not a RPN.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Med-Surg..

I did note that you are an RN.

I was admitted to an RN bridging program but had to put that on hold for many reasons. If and when I become an RN, I have no desire to work in Emergency but to each his own. I just don't think it would fit me. JMO.

Specializes in ED.

Everyone has an area that they absolutely love and those they hate, but you can't know until you try ;)

I've done Palliative, Peds, ICU, Medicine, Surgery (& LTC as a student) and ER is the one place that I am just so happy to go to every day. It's always new & exciting.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Med-Surg..

I agree, one must try differing areas to see what fits. At any rate, I admire the ER nurse, it is not easy to think on your feet. It is a skill that I admire.

Most hospitals in the GTA hire RPN's in the ER. Except the downtown hospitals.

They obviously don't do as much as the RN's, but they do serve a useful purpose. I think it's great to have RPN's in the ER! :)

Specializes in Med-surg.

I know Mt Sinai and Sick Kids in Toronto do not hire RPNs, however I'm not sure about UHN. Not all downtown hospitals do not hire RPNs, for sure, Sunnybrook (Holland Orthopedic and Arthritic Centre) and St. Michael's hires RPNs, and both of these are in the downtown core.

I was reading the post below about some GTA hospitals that don't hire RPNs...does anyone know of other Ontario hospitals that are RN only? Thanks in advance :)

Aern't you an RN anyway?

Don't take this the wrong way at all, but i'm just curious as to why you want to know where RPN's can't work, LOL I know that probably sounded negative, but please like I said, don't take it the wrong way, i'm just curious.

Specializes in Internal Medicine.
As mentioned in this forum, the downtown Toronto hospitals only hire RN's. St. Mary's in Kitchener hires only RN's as it is mainly a cardiac care hospital. Most hospitals in the GTA hire some RPN's.

I noticed that you work in Emergency from your profile and I don't think that many hospitals hire RPN's in Emergency.

Not true- RPNs do work @ St Marys- only in a few areas though. Couple friends of mine work there, I remember being shocked when I heard of it. They don't work on the cardiac area, they work in the med/surg floors.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Med-Surg..

How long have your friends been working at St. Mary's? I guess I was wrong as I thought the only ones still there were those RPN's with a lot of seniority. However, it's good that they are using RPN's.

Specializes in ED.
Aern't you an RN anyway?

Don't take this the wrong way at all, but i'm just curious as to why you want to know where RPN's can't work, LOL I know that probably sounded negative, but please like I said, don't take it the wrong way, i'm just curious.

Just out of curiousity. I had read in another post that there were some hospitals that didn't hire RPNs and that was new info to me.

RPNs are certainly a valuable part of the nursing and multidisciplinary teams.

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