TWU Spring 2018

Nursing Students School Programs



I haven't seen a thread made for the TWU Spring 2018 application process, so decided to start one! I'm the type to worry, and I know I'm not alone, so what better place to vent than here? For anyone wondering, the application date for Spring 2018 is August 15th, 2017!

My GPA comes out to a 3.720 with TWU preference. I haven't taken my TEAs yet, but plan to soon.

How about y'all?

I have a 3.6 GPA, 85 on TEAS, and a previous bachelor of science degree but was denied. So I was wondering what I would have to do to be competitive. I'm sure my stats are identical to others that were accepted, so that's why I was wondering if those that have my same grades or a bit lower but went to TWU are accepted first? Does anyone know the difference in points between a bachelors degree and TWU bump? and do you have to have a degree from TWU to get the bump?

I have a 3.6 GPA, 85 on TEAS, and a previous bachelor of science degree but was denied. So I was wondering what I would have to do to be competitive. I'm sure my stats are identical to others that were accepted, so that's why I was wondering if those that have my same grades or a bit lower but went to TWU are accepted first? Does anyone know the difference in points between a bachelors degree and TWU bump? and do you have to have a degree from TWU to get the bump?

Did you go over the spreadsheet with an adviser? Do you have any questionable areas of your app - like re-taking certain classes and whatnot? They may have calculated your GPA differently than you did.

No I didn't retake any classes. I emailed and called Heather as well as just he advising office to ask all these questions but I'm sure they are all being bombarded with calls and emails so I thought I would just ask here in the meantime

No I didn't retake any classes. I emailed and called Heather as well as just he advising office to ask all these questions but I'm sure they are all being bombarded with calls and emails so I thought I would just ask here in the meantime

Well no one is perfect, it's possible they miscalculated your points. Hoping that's the case for you!

I know I can/should improve my TEAS score to improve my chances but if 50 points isn't good enough to get in and they take preference over those who went to TWU & that also have good grades first, then I want to know so I don't waste my time you know? Do you happen to know how to get the TWU bump? Do you have to have received a degree from there?

Also the spreadsheet I posted was "handed" down to me, so it is very possible that the formulas have changed . But I will tell you that bump is the real deal. I am no longer into grade posting, for me its a double edged sword, but I will say this: the bump is considerable. An applicant with similar scores to mine was vaulted into like the mid 60's. Can it be a 10 point bump? I had no bumps. In fact, I am making an alternate Facebook page TWU Nursing Students 2019 No Bump. Just kidding. Big love to all my new classmates, bumps, no bumps alike.

Also the spreadsheet I posted was "handed" down to me, so it is very possible that the formulas have changed . But I will tell you that bump is the real deal. I am no longer into grade posting, for me its a double edged sword, but I will say this: the bump is considerable. An applicant with similar scores to mine was vaulted into like the mid 60's. Can it be a 10 point bump? I had no bumps. In fact, I am making an alternate Facebook page TWU Nursing Students 2019 No Bump. Just kidding. Big love to all my new classmates, bumps, no bumps alike.

Well thank you for your insight. Ill just have to wait to get a hold of someone from admissions to see what I can do next time and ask about the bumps. Congratulations by the way!


I couldn't really put my finger on WHY i wanted to go to UTH other than suggestions of Nursing School ranking scores (which can be highly subjective by the way depending on who is doing the calculating) and what I perceived to be some prestige as an extension of UT, because after all we are in Texas right? Beautiful dot-matrixy type art billboards highlighting their contributions scattered all throughout Houston. Their marketing worked on me. They made an impression on me. I am not really a competitive person, but the notion of prestige through its competitiveness drove me towards applying. Who doesn't want to be "the best" (whatever that is)? I certainly do. (and I will be the best I can be at whatever I do) But answers from UTH admissions were vague and often contradicted information provided in information sessions. The biggest bone was lack of clarity in the selection/admissions process. I watched students with lower GPA's and HESI's get in, while I was left, rejected and alone. (JK) But I didn't get selected, and my grades are really up there, and it didnt make sense. And don't get me started on when I actually went in to UTH and tried to speak with a counselor. I felt like I was on the phone with Comcast customer service, but I wasn't. I was there. In a room. With another human being.

And then you started to see a much less nurturing environment. Look, I don't need to have my hand held. I am a worker. But on second thought, maybe a hand is nice every now and then? And I could visibly see that being available during my TWU admissions process. And for crying out loud did you read the post Ms. Cole just now put? A recap of the admissions process complete with prelimary stats? Here's how UTH dealt with AllNurses during last semester's application process: during a phone interview, one of the admissions agents told the student that they often read through the AllNurses forum, and to tell the posters blah blah blah (whatever it was, i dont even remember). I mean here is a tool to communicate with people en masse that you are going to take money from and honestly the vibe from the student was as if they were being scolded. As if to say listen tell all these little rats gossiping on All Nurses whatever... TWU on the other hand have posted here and kept us informed, which is all we want/need.

So overall there is, from what I can tell, more of a fend-for-yourself vibe from UTH, whereas TWU feels like when I hugged my mom when I was ten after a bad day at school. Maybe Im still on an acceptance high, I don't know, maybe Im over dramatizing it, I don't know. I certainly don't need that Mom hug every day, but it is reassuring to know that it is there. And if you didn't attend the information session, please go and be amazed at all that the SGA and Student life do for the students. It is literally insane. And I was still on the fence about UTH. In some ways I still am. I compare them to the bad boy that a girl (or another boy) cant shake off. You know they may be bad for you, but you just cant give them up. Why do they have this hold? What is it that we think UTH has that TWU doesn't? Surely I am not the only one. One of the TWU counselors commented last year about the number of spots that tend to open up once the UTH acceptances go out. It's like dumping the safe guy for the bad boy, but who is marriage material here? When I asked a nurse friend for some guidance he said "go with the cheaper one." Hahaha Thanks Scott. Well they are both about the same for the two years. The curriculum looks a little "fancier" at UTH to me for some reason, but when I lined them up, they still are hitting all the subjects. And the NCLEX is the same no matter where you graduate from. I'm not really a burgundy, though. So there's that, but its growing on me. Looks to close to College Station maroon. But transparency in admissions was fr1gg1n HUGE, probably my number one.

OH my gawwdddd. I LOVE this post. Thank you so much for taking the time to write all this down. I've literally been to only one info session at twu, and met with their counsellors twice. I cannot tell you how amazing and kind every single person at twu has been.

It's only been 1.5 years that I realized I wanted to go to nursing school, take all my classes, and then apply to twu and ut.. So initially, it was a total whirlwind. Now that I have been accepted to TWU, I don't even know why I'm waiting to hear back from UT. From start to finish, TWU has been above and beyond kind and caring. I've only tried visiting UT once, and calling them twice, and both times treated like I was a nuisance or an idiot.

But yes, you hit the nail on the head about how UT is like that bad boy you cant give up. What makes UT so much better other than the shorter program and the name? No one knows. Also, can I just say again how super sweet and kind every single faculty member at TWU is?

Thank you Melody. Ive seriously worked my @ss off, as I am sure we all have. I do have to say sorry though to all of you, if I have posted an older unreliable spreadsheet. In an effort to have more clarity to it all here are my stats:

4.0 Nursing Core GPA

3.827 Pre Requisite

91.3 TEAS

56 TWU score

Of course there are bumps for previous bachelors (pretty sure this is regardless of school), and for completing 32 hours of prerequisites at TWU - Denton. The last year version of me would have already compiled everyone's grades and points that posted on here available in a spreadsheet ready to dissect. But I have to leave the old me in the past. I swear I saw someone with a 65 with similar stats to mine and a bachelor's degree, though. And I was just like "Whoa, gotta get me one of those." Like I say, that bump tho.

Thank you Melody. Ive seriously worked my @ss off, as I am sure we all have. I do have to say sorry though to all of you, if I have posted an older unreliable spreadsheet. In an effort to have more clarity to it all here are my stats:

4.0 Nursing Core GPA

3.827 Pre Requisite

91.3 TEAS

56 TWU score

Of course there are bumps for previous bachelors (pretty sure this is regardless of school), and for completing 32 hours of prerequisites at TWU - Denton. The last year version of me would have already compiled everyone's grades and points that posted on here available in a spreadsheet ready to dissect. But I have to leave the old me in the past. I swear I saw someone with a 65 with similar stats to mine and a bachelor's degree, though. And I was just like "Whoa, gotta get me one of those." Like I say, that bump tho.

That sounds like me. However, having to go back to school for a second bachelor's has been no piece of cake for me. I would much rather be in your shoes and have chosen nursing the FIRST time instead of being mid twenties and in debt from my first bachelor's

Thank you Melody. Ive seriously worked my @ss off, as I am sure we all have. I do have to say sorry though to all of you, if I have posted an older unreliable spreadsheet. In an effort to have more clarity to it all here are my stats:

4.0 Nursing Core GPA

3.827 Pre Requisite

91.3 TEAS

56 TWU score

Of course there are bumps for previous bachelors (pretty sure this is regardless of school), and for completing 32 hours of prerequisites at TWU - Denton. The last year version of me would have already compiled everyone's grades and points that posted on here available in a spreadsheet ready to dissect. But I have to leave the old me in the past. I swear I saw someone with a 65 with similar stats to mine and a bachelor's degree, though. And I was just like "Whoa, gotta get me one of those." Like I say, that bump tho.

Yes. It seems like the TWU bump is much more significant. I just went back through the posts on this forum and someone had the exact stats as me except I have a prior bachelors degree and they only had the TWU bump and they ended up with 54.7 points. I mean it makes sense that they would choose those from their school first... but just doesn't work out in my favor haha

I was denied too. I was told that this year was the most competitive yet. The average nursing GPA admitted was a 3.72 and the average TEAS composite score was an 87.2%. Anyone below both most likely didn't make it. You are SO close; all you have to do probably is take the TEAS again for a higher score.

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