Denver College of Nursing April 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi there everyone!! I am starting a section for Denver College of Nursing student cohort for the April 2018 semester. I recently applied to the school for the BSN program, and I am a current BS graduate in California. I just wanted to start this to see how the process was going for everyone in regards to the admissions emails that will be coming out in the next few months! Please feel free to reach out to me on here if you guys have any questions for me as well!


Let's start meeting each other!


The issue with that Facebook page is that it's not a group page in the sense that we can see the other members or post privately to the group - its pretty public and basically anyone who doesn't go to the school could search the group and see messages we post.

Hi everyone.

Thank you to whomever started this thread! I am still waiting for an interview email as well, and I have over 7 years experience as an EMT and a great GPA. I think the deadline is at the end of this next week, so if you haven't gotten that email yet, let's just be patient a bit longer ;)

Good luck to all of you!

Hi Everyone! My interview is set for December 11! This is exciting!

My interview date is set for December 8th -- however I already know I am accepting a spot for the April cohort (getting an interview is DCN extending you a spot in the program).

Please reach out to me via [email protected] once/if you decide to accept a spot. I will be looking for roommates through the DCN program ASAP.

Thanks so much!

Hey Everyone! I am going to make a group page on facebook for this cohort! I will let you know the details!

It is on facebook under DCN April 2018 Cohort. This is a public group!

If you don't have a Facebook, we can start something through email! Contact me at [email protected]!

My interview is on December 1st, good luck everyone.

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Just in case you guys aren't able to find it! This is a great way for us to get to know each other and possibly find roommates!

hey guys! just wondering if any of you will be taking the hesi exam or know anything about it? I still have to take it and am so nervous!

Finally set my interview! Really looking forward to this adventure :)

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