online nursing programs

Nursing Students General Students


Does anyone have any idea if online nursing programs are any good. Please advise?

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Thread moved to Nursing Student forum, which gets lots of traffic and maybe some who have experienced online/distance learning for nursing can help you out!

GOOD LUCK!!!! And welcome to

Specializes in PACU, Surgery, Acute Medicine.

Depends entirely on which school you're at. It's just like any other type of study, some schools are good at it, some aren't. It also depends on what type of student you are. I'm in an online program right now and of all the friends I have in that program, none of us would switch to "on-land." It works really well for us, but we're all pretty highly motivated and self-starters. For people who like a little more structure, on-line programs might not be the right move. Ask around in your area, try to find people who have graduated from any on-line programs you're thinking about. They are the best resource!

I am currently attending online RN to BSN classes. I agree with solneeshka, you must be highly motivated and dedicated as it requires much time but of course you can go to school in pajamas or at midnight. It works for me!

Thank You, Does anyone recommend any online nursing programs. Which schools have a great program?


ok, i am trying to make my nursing school applications competitive for Georgia State University and University of West Georgia. Does anyone have any advice on how to get accepted into a program. Please help?

I thought online nursing programs didnt exist...

do you all just mean RN to BSN? I know they offer them

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