Published Jan 10, 2016
1 Post
Question for those FNP nurse out there. What are your thoughts on a Online FNP program? With the stress of work, family and life, a online FNP program seems like the most manageable program for me. I'm just curious if I complete this program, would hospital even hire me because all my studies are online base. If you have some insight on this matter, please enlighten me before I embark on this online journey.
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,936 Posts
Welcome to AN! As long as the clinicals are done in person, whether the coursework was done online or in person may be irrelevant, especially as many of the schools offering online programs are standard brick and mortar schools. You may want to browse through the student nurse practitioner forum here, which can be found by clicking on the "Students" tab in the yellow bar across the top of the screen.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
Moved to Student NP forum
2 Articles; 5,582 Posts
I am sure you will hear many different opinions. This is mine.
I believe that NPs need to invest in themselves; you are preparing for a role that is challenging and has very high stakes. Work, family, and life are important things but student NPs need to put some things on whole and prioritize their education and preparation as an investment in themselves, their career, and their future. You are making a significant financial and time investment by matriculating so make sure you are able to make the most of it and go to the best program you can.
I have no problems with online programs that are quality programs (established track record, mandatory on-site workshops during the program, coordinated clinical experiences, high retention an placement rate, etc). There are quality programs available online. There are also non-quality programs.
You need to check with your BON and see which online programs are allowed.
You need to check with local employers on who they prefer to hire, some only hire students from a specific program. You will need to use your network contacts from your nursing career to get your foot in the door with jobs.
If you are looking to just work in a hospital then you should consider a ACNP program instead of an FNP program.