Online A&P vs in-Class at Keiser University


I need to retake A&P II because I earned a C when I took it a few years ago. I need to get at least a B and Keiser University in Florida offers both online and in-class options. The class spans a month from 9-1 in class M-F. For the online course, you would take the quizzes, tests and labs online.

Has anyone taken the online course? Would you recommend it or is in-class the better way to go. If you did take it online, how are the tests and did you see any advantages.

Thank you all

Specializes in psychiatric, corrections.

I took all AP online with a lab. Personally, online classes are easier for me. I don't subscribe to that propaganda that you need to be on front of a teach to learn and get a good experience, you learn as much as you put into it. I took my microbiology online as well and it had a virtual lab. As a nurse there probably won't be a time that you're growing mold in a petridish or dissecting a pig hearts so for me it was just fine.

Specializes in Emergency.

I took theory online with an on-ground lab and preferred it that way. I'd be wary if your lab was online. Will that credit transfer if you go on to get your BSN?

I am about finished with my A&P course I took online. Wow, I wish I did all my pre-reqs that way. It was intense and at fast pace, but working from home was a delight. I just have my final left and I've got a 97% in the class so far. I would definitely recommend this class to anyone with busy lifestyle, but you need to be mature enough to do the work.

Keiser also has an ASN to BSN so if you do intend to get a BSN taking the classes there would help. What concerns me is if the inperson class is M-F 9-1 how many hours a day need put into the online class?

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