Published Apr 18, 2007
173 Posts
I have heard of Frontier school but recently heard some negative things about the program. What other online programs are there?
57 Posts
I think Ohio State University has one as well. I could be way off. I'm pretty new around this site, but you may be able to use that nursing education tab up at the right hand corner of your screen to search for on line Midwifery programs.
Good luck finding one that works best for you.
10 Articles; 19,050 Posts
frontier developed nurse midwifery school in 1939; it's well established program has made a huge impact on how maternal care should be provided and decreased infant mortality in ky....
frontier school of midwifery and family nursing - midwifery and ...
while philadelphia university's online program started in 1998: [color=#7c0426]ms in midwifery
complete list can be found on american college of nurse-midwives website:
midwifery education programs
16 Posts
Ohio State University does not have an entirely online course, the do offer some courses online, but not nearly the entire program. U Cinncinatti does however! I think there are a couple others, but Ohio programs are all I really know too much about.
39 Posts
The University of Cincinnati also has an online CNM program.
51 Posts
Stonybrook University also has an online program, although I've heard good things about Frontier.
37 Posts
I am a Frontier student and think it is a great school. The rumblings that are going on right now have to do with a very big transition that the school is undergoing. In January they changed over to a modified term system. Instead of being completely self paced they now have four 12 week terms. There have been issues with the change, as there are with any major change. They seem to have gotten a lot of the kinks worked out in the Winter term and I hear a lot less grumbling these days. I think most of the people that have a really hard time of it are those that have been there a while and had to change the way they do things midway through their programs. For us newbies it has been much less of a big deal. I, personally, am doing well and have no problems whatsoever with the term system. If you want a good distance midwifery program I would definitely consider Frontier.
262 Posts
ECU also has an online program.
Clinical sites are highly competitive. Often many schools ask for the same clinical site.
And it is the clinical sites where you really learn how to help women birth. I can't stress this enough...
What is ECU?
crissrn27, RN
904 Posts
I may be wrong but I think midwife2b was referring to East Carolina University............I may be wrong also in saying that ECUs program is not completely online. I have 2 friends that went/currently going there.