One year old while in school

Nursing Students General Students


Hi, everyone! I wasn't sure where best to place this thread, but wanted to see if anyone has any experience with managing a one year old or young child while in school. I start in August and am very nervous about juggling my time. He will be in daycare, but I worry that I will fall behind.

I have wanted this for so long and just need some reassurance! Thanks!

I have a four year old and an 1/3 through my bridge program. It's doable. You will need to know how to manage your time well. Will you be working? If at all possible try to only work part time as full time school, full time work, and full time family can be stressful. You will need to study either while the child is at daycare or when they are sleeping (if you are home, they will find you and you will feel guilty so if someone can watch them for you at your home, go to the library or something). As far as attendance goes, clinical is a must. The school that I am going to right now say that even missing one day could make the instructor unable to fully assess your performance and therefore you would fail the rotation and have to repeat the block. For theory, mine is online but you have to be "present" in discussions and assignments throughout the week or are considered absent. Labs are also strict about attendance. Make sure you have a solid plan a,b,c,and d for child care because they are super strict (as are many hospital absentee policies. Many have a three day/year max rule). Good luck to you!

Specializes in NICU, Trauma, Oncology.
Hopefully, I schedule classes in 2 weeks, I'll be able to schedule clinicals for Thursdays and Fridays, days that my husband has off from work. However he works night shift which means he is sleeping on Thursday. How strict is nursing school in general in regards to lecture and lab attendance?

This varies by program. Mine has no lecture attendance policy and we are allowed to miss up to 12 hours of clinical if we need to. It isn't advisable to miss "just because" though.

I have a 1,4, and 5 year old. The 5 year old is in kindergarten so dealing with the school schedule with that. And my husband is military and is gone a lot. I have like 5 sitters lol 1-2 main ones and then a backup list. And this is just my first quarter where I only have 3 days of class at somewhat normal times. I have no idea what I will do when I have clinicals 2-3x a week in addition to class but I am taking it ONE DAY AT A TIME!! I also commute 1.5hrs to school. If I can do this, trust me, YOU CAN!!!! Lots of deep breaths, and maybe a drink or two :yes:

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