One step closer to "The Letter"...


Okay, so I am impatient. I emailed the admissions office of the school that had a February deadline with a legitimate question. I was concerned about them using my old TEAS score when they reviewed my file because I retook the test on the deadline and hand delivered my scores - but they weren't posted in the computer yet. So I emailed the secretary and within 5 minutes she responded to my email. She told me that right now they are going back through the packets a 2nd time to verify their calculations AND letters should be sent out in the next couple of weeks....right in line with my time frame in my countdown :) I'm just a little excited - she even told me good luck. Made me feel better because I was afraid it would tick her off to get questions after the deadline. The other campus I applied to WILL NOT answer questions or give you results over the phone.

At this point, I just want to know! Good luck to all of us still waiting. With all the good news floating around this board, I think we are all probably in for great things :)

I know how you feel. At the school I go to, we are NOT to contact the nursing department, so it's frustrating! I want to know sooo badly.

Specializes in Psych, substance abuse, MR-DD.

Ah yes, I remember those weeks last year all too well! I was so scared of not getting into a nursing school that I applied to 8 different schools. Turns out I got into all of them:) So I guess all that worry was a little unnecessary. ha ha

Good luck! Nursing school is awsesome!

Specializes in Operating Room.

I almost wanted to e-mail the nursing dept. to make sure my application was turned in correctly.

I hand-delivered it, but the girl at the desk didn't put it in the plastic bin like the girl did for my Spring '06 application. She took it from me, and set it on the desk.

My husband said she acted like she was new... Maybe she was just covering for someone, and asked what to do with it as soon as we left.

I didn't e-mail before the application deadline. I figure if it's meant to be, then it will happen.

(Of course now you're getting me wanting to e-mail....) :lol2:

Good luck to everyone waiting!

Specializes in Med/Surg, Hospice.

I called this week to make sure the Nursing school got my application. And that was after I sent it confirmation delivery and determined that it had been received. Call me paranoid, but I'm no taking any chances. I think that the schools are accustomed to getting emails and calls about applications.

This really is gut-wrenching, isn't it? We all have so much riding on this (like our future careers!) and time is moving so s-l-o-w-l-y right now. may not want to read this as it may only add fuel to your fire about wanting to contact your admissions department ;)

Hey everyone - I started something when I said I contacted the admissions office. My friend who also applied there sent an email about as sickeningly sweet as mine to the department secretary. She was making sure her file was complete - though we knew it had to be as we all turned in everything together at once....but it doesn't hurt to check....

WELL.....she told my friend that they are 'currently rechecking calculations and hope to get the letters out NEXT WEEK!!' WOO-HOO!!!!!

I am soooo excited :D I would LOVE for my countdown to be off by a week...I'm not going to complain at all!

Hang in there everyone....

Specializes in Onc/Hem, School/Community.

That's great guys. I've applied to two schools and one of them is very nasty about phone calls. :angryfire If my future were not in their hands, I would have had a "nice" response, but I bit my tongue.

Specializes in Med-Surg/ ICU.

Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about the wait of your life:uhoh3: I have two weeks until the application deadline, and THEN they said it could be about a month before hearing if we get an interview!!! Talk about going crazy!!!:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:

I almost wanted to e-mail the nursing dept. to make sure my application was turned in correctly.

I hand-delivered it, but the girl at the desk didn't put it in the plastic bin like the girl did for my Spring '06 application. She took it from me, and set it on the desk.

My husband said she acted like she was new... Maybe she was just covering for someone, and asked what to do with it as soon as we left.

I didn't e-mail before the application deadline. I figure if it's meant to be, then it will happen.

(Of course now you're getting me wanting to e-mail....) :lol2:

Good luck to everyone waiting!

Please - you should have called them. Call them now. You are the only person who is going to look out for you. You need to call them. When I turned in my UNC application, I nicely asked the receptionist if she'd mind initialling a copy of my cover letter that listed all the materials enclosed with the application (I hand-delivered the packet to the campus, and she said she did not blame me one bit for being cautious). If I hadn't called Duke, I don't think I would have ever even had my application reviewed.

Someone on this message board posted that they had an appointment to interview with Duke, and I hadn't even heard from the university that they'd received my application. I fiddled around for a couple of days and then I called. Duke's app deadline was January 2, and this was around the 23rd.

The admissions director (she just happened to answer the phone, thank Heaven!) asked me if I had had my GRE scores sent to Duke. I panicked; I had my returned receipt from ETS stating the scores had been sent and the day that Duke received them (they are sent electronically to the school and the statement said December 18th - well ahead of the deadline). I told her yes and that I had the receipt and could fax her a copy. She told me to hold on for a minute.

She double-checked the system, just clicked over to another screen. Her exact words were, "Hold on a second; something's wrong."

They had my scores. :eek: WHOEVER REVIEWED MY APP :devil: SAID THEY HAD NOT BEEN RECEIVED, which was NOT the case. I could have cried. She apologized, and said my application was on the top of the stack for tomorrow's second review. I got called for an interview the next day, and the rest, as they say, is history.

When I turned in my tuition deposit today, I got the assistant at Duke to copy my check and sign and date the copy. I think the receptionist thought I was nuts, but I really don't care. The assistant was more than willing to help and also said she didn't blame me for being careful.

Anyone on this board who has submitted an application should follow up with a friendly call once you know the school should have received your stuff. Be pleasant, but be persistant. It's YOUR future at stake.

And my advice is - call. If you call, someone has to deal with you. If you email, they can ignore it.

Better yet, email and call. At least with email, you have a hard copy of something when/if they answer.

Be sweet, be nice, be so charming it's nauseating...but do it. I almost learned my lesson the hard way. I felt foolish calling up Duke - I admit it. I was thinking, this is ridiculous, I'm wasting my time. Well, I paid a deposit today to reserve my place in the class - which if I hadn't called I don't think I'd be paying.


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