Published Apr 7, 2013
537 Posts
What does it mean?
Taking phone calls from distraught families? Not a problem for me.
Going to their home, at any hour? Not going to happen, for me.
Referring incoming calls, maybe, to the office manager- like a new admit request? No problem, except for the end receipient- if it is an urgent case?
Please elaborate- what is 'on call'.
tewdles, RN
3,156 Posts
In every hospice agency that i have worke, on call staff were payed an hourly "stipend" to carry the pager. Those individuals provide the nursing expertise 224/7 that the patients and families need.
I would say that 1/3 of the call can typically be handled in one phone call.
Another 3rd reqire more than one call and deserve avisit if there are symptom issues.
Remaining 1/3 of the calls can be very challenging...actively dying patients (both new to us and well established), Patients expeincing acute exacerbations of symptoms, family crisis (not all families have the skills to focus their common goals and skill on their loved one.
If the case nurse do a good job during the week, there are fewer calls in general on the weekend. At least in my exerience.
Interesting. I really didn't know if on call meant that if families call, then the on call nurse calls in staff to go see them, as in staffing coordinator. It means the on call goes. How utterly naive of me. So you may be required to be somewhere at 2 in the morning. So on call status would be a definite topic to determine is seeking that line of work. On call in LTC means the staff call you at 2 in the morning for issues, you don't actually go in to work.
Ginger's Mom, MSN, RN
3,181 Posts
most on call positions require a registered nurse. And if your assessment requires you make a visit.
itsnowornever, BSN, RN
1,029 Posts
In L&D on call means you go help when called. Never known it to mean anything else, though I realize hospice is different
Posting from my phone, ease forgive my fat thumbs! :)
Bottom line is hospice provides 24/7 call with visit nurses availble to meet the pt needs.
You know, that I knew, that you would set the record straight, and in all of 16 words, no less! Kudos, tewdles~