Published May 4, 2014
HeartsOpenWide, RN
1 Article; 2,889 Posts
What is the on call policy in your department? Do you have someone "on call" when things are slow that can be retrieved at any point of a shift?
We have always had on call coverage for an entire shift (12hrs/shift ), we are a rural hospital without MDs or surgery in house after hours, we often get patients un-announced, and occasionally they come in precipitating (assisted another RN with a "door way delivery" once). Administration is now saying they will only pay for 10 hours of on call (we are only paid $4/hr as it is for Pete's sake) in interest of saving $8, because "that's the way M/S does it" (surgery has 24 hours on call and ER doesn't take call at all, they are always staffed). We are conceded about this 2 hour gap between shifts
where there will be no coverage.
175 Posts
Mother baby here and we do 8 hours of call from 7-3 at 2$/hr(woohoo). If anyone is called off, they are put on call as well as anyone that is actually scheduled for on call that day. The people that were called off are first up to be called back IF they aren't going to go into overtime. All open beds have to be assigned and we have to have people in l&d past a 5 or 6. Doesn't really account for those that may walk in and deliver in triage or emergent csections and we just figure it out as necessary if it's after the point to call someone.
PinkNBlue, BSN, RN
419 Posts
We don't have on call nor can we work overtime. :-/
111 Posts
Our situation at my hospital is dire for nightshift. Our deliveries are down and we've had 2 nurses leave. Our managers say they will not be replaced because we don't have the deliveries to justify (nevermind all the triages, Maggers, observations, 24 hour urines, etc we do) more staff. Currently I am scheduled for 3 12s a week with 4-6 12 hour calls a month. I get called in almost every time. We are paid like $1.50 for call. I can't remember the last week I haven't worked atleast 48 hours. I miss acuities
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