OLOL Accelerated BR campus


I applied to the accelerated nursing program at OLOL in Baton Rouge for fall 2010. I am patiently waiting for the committee to make their decision, but I'm getting anxious! Does anyone know when applicants for the BR campus should be expecting letters? Also, do you know if the committee is looking at grades for this semester for those still completing their rereqs? I'm finishing up a few classes at OLOL! Thanks!

I was just accepted to the Tulane program and i'm still in Chemistry and a online old testament class, so I they don't hold it against you. Good luck!

Greenelle79, congrats on your acceptance! Hopefully, I'll hear some great news soon! As of right now, I'm just waiting and it's driving me nuts!


Where did you find an acceptable religion course? I applied to the Metairie Fall 2010 class and still need that class. Thanks!

BTW...our letters are due any day as well. Anxious!!!!

here is the link to the transfer equivalents, http://www.ololcollege-edu.org/content/admissions-applying-to-olol-college-admission-requirements-transfer-applicant-transfer-equivalents i just looked on here and saw what was acceptable at other schools and found a class similar. i took a online old testament class at pearl river community college. easy a for sure.

Hi, I called this week and was told that the letters for Baton Rouge were going to be mailed out Monday (5/3) so we should all expect them by Wednesday or Thursday at the latest I would think.

Grenelle, what online old testament class are you taking? The only Relgion online I have found through LSU is REL3124...it looks like about 15 essays and 2 tests, going through King James' Version of the Bible. Anyone know of any other online classes that count as the 3 hour Religion credit required?

I took Old Testament Survey. Weekly discussion paragraph with quiz, I believe 3-4 test. I came out with a 102. A welcomed break to the Chemistry i'm currently in.

knelso6, i'm not sure where you're living, but before you take any courses, make sure you check with olol admissions office first to make sure that it transfers.

from their equivalency sheet, the only intro to theology class that transfers to olol from colleges in louisiana is our lady of holy cross college and xavier. they're both in new orleans. unfortunately, i'm not sure if they offer an online class or not. if you're in the baton rouge area, i would suggest you to just take it at olol because it's not hard at all, and you don't have to write 15 essays!

There is also a Bible as Lit class that transfers from UNO or DCC. However, from what I see it isn't offered online right now. But it does transfer to OLOL.

I am applying to the accelerated program at the Tulane cohort for Jan 2011.. anyone have any advise for the essay portion? I didn't see a word requirement on the application.

hi everyone, I took the religion at olhcc online, fundementals of Catholism this spring. Had to send in a course subsitution form for it. It use to be you had to take Intro to theology for their religion course. Great Course, a bit pricey though. I have applied to EJ for 2010. I have not heard anything as of yet, except the sheet that tells you what you have taken or IP of taking. I know it starts in Sept., and heard that it may be june before you hear. Has anyone heard about their acceptance to EJ for this fall?

I also have applied for the fall 2010 program at EJGH. I spoke to admissions last week and was told that the panel at EJ were still reviewing applications. They had no further information to share with me.

I also need to fulfill the 3 hrs of religion, but was honestly holding out to find out if I will need it by September or January 2011. I am looking into online options to free up my time so I can work until school starts...whenever that ultimately happens!

Frustrated in Metairie!!!:confused:

Hi, Would you let me know if you hear anything, and I will do the same. Thank you. my personal email is [email protected]

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