Older Nursing students

Nursing Students General Students


I am finishing up pre-reqs and applying to an RN program for the fall - I wonder how many of you are out there that are non traditional nursing students - I have a feeling I may be the oldest nursing student on this site.:)

suecon - I'm so jealous that you know about getting into a program for Spring 2012 already! I'm still waiting on a letter for Fall 2011. They first said it would be out at the end of last week and now they are saying the middle of this week! I just want to know because I'm not getting any younger either! I'm 43 and will be 45 when I graduate.

Congrats on getting in to school. And for those of you waiting, don't worry, it will come. I miss school already but now I can make a living and help people at the same time. It was weird being in nursing school at 49 to start and 51 when I finished, but I made some great friends and didn't feel at all much older than anyone, even though I am. I saw more sunshine in two years of school than in all the previous years working in another field. I will admit that now that I'm a registered nurse, I'm still feeling like a novice, but at the same time a 12 hour shift gives you plenty of time to do what needs to be done. This is one field that I really believe age discrimination doesn't exist, and hopefully that will stay that way. There is a shortage upcoming again! Be ready!!!

My son is getting ready to head off to college, my oldest daughter is married and I have a 10 and 12 year old and have long way til they are out of the house. I am also getting nervous about not being here for them. They know what we are all up against and have been very supportive when I freak out during finals when I come home, the house is a mess, laundry needs to be done, and dinner needs to be cooked. They all seem to scramble to get it all done. I am going to take one day at a time. That is all I can handle at the moment. Good Luck.

Congrats suecon!

I am 34 and was the oldest in my clinical and lab classes.

Congrats suecon!

I am 34 and was the oldest in my clinical and lab classes.

Oldest at 34? Do you go to a university, by chance?

I'm 34 also but I am far from the oldest in my class. I'm at a community college.

I start at a univeristy next week, I'm 42 and there are at least 3 older than I am in my class of 45 students. Yay!

Nope, community college! The next oldest was 32 on down to 21! There was only 8 of us in that class though, so I know I'm not the oldest in the program, just that section!

but my class mates think there are several older...they are 45 nd 46...haha...not gonna say a word

What a good feeling I got from reading all these great answers to the post. Great answers, and congratulations to each and every one of you on your accomplishments!!! I am starting my BScN in the fall, and leaving a successful (but completely unfulfilling), 15 year career.

Can I ask one question that's been on my mind lately? Maybe I should start a new post, but the right audience for this question is found on this thread. What was it like to enter a university classroom on that first day of nursing school, as an older student???

Deep down, I am fairly confident that there will be other "mature" students there, but part of me is dreading entering that classroom for the first time and facing a sea of 18-20 year old faces. I am friendly, outgoing and make friends easily, but I somehow just dread entering the class for that first time. I truly hope to make friends with both the older and younger crowd.

But I also remember being friendly and getting to know some of the second career students in my first undergrad degree. I don't expect to be included in the younger crowd's social circle outside of school hours (there are certainly different interests, priorities -- I have my established home life with dear husband, 3 kids, our friends, etc), but I'm hoping there won't be a big divide, between the older and younger crowds.

Hopefully there will be some good karma coming my way this time, when the roles are reversed! :D

Thanks, everyone, and kind regards!

Hiker.....I feel the same way. My program starts next week at a university and most of my class is under the age of 25. Fortunately, a Facebook group was set up for my cohort of 45 students and the university encouraged everyone to join. I checked out everyone's picture and sent messages to everyone that looked my age (42). I've struck up friendships with several other 40-somethings already, we have been in constant contact and we all went out to lunch yesterday. It feels great to have friends even before going in on that first day. If there is any possible way to do this for yourself, it would really increase your confidence. It has been so great getting to know these people that will spend the next 2 years with me!

Wow -that is a brilliant idea. Thank you for sharing!

I will see in my school has something like that set up.

Thanks again, and best of luck with your studies and future career!!!


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