Published Jul 3, 2006
1,007 Posts
Here's an article from the recent OKC Nursing Times newspaper about what is being done to get more nurses through school and into the workforce in Oklahoma. At least they are realizing that there is a problem
This article is in the same issue, about the nationwide nursing shortage. Says that in 2004 there were 26,340 qualified students turned away from nursing programs - but this number only included bachelor degree programs, I would guess adding in associate programs would double the number.
marilynmom, LPN, NP
2,155 Posts
Thanks for posting Lana.
401 Posts
Lana I love your avatar since I'm also a cat lover but I have a question are your cats claws painted red??
No, but that's what everybody thinks when they see her! I put Soft Claws on her. They are plastic claw covers that are glued on to the claw to protect furniture/skin/carpet/etc. It's an alternative to declawing because I read about complications such as arthritis from declawing. These get glued on and then gradually fall off as the claws shed layers and grow out. I love them! They make them in several colors (she now has pink) as well as clear.
1 Post
anyone know about nursing loan forgiveness plans in oklahoma?
If you're a current student, here's a link for a post I did a couple of months ago that can help.
But if you're out of school, I think there are federal programs to pay back Perkin's loans. This page has a little about it, look part-way down the page for nurses
Here's something else for Nursing Loan Repayment
Hope this helps!