Published Oct 14, 2015
720 Posts
Many of us who have had discipline against our licenses as a result of substance abuse and/or criminal law issues have also had dealings with the Office of Inspector General. We are also not only at risk of Exclusion from participation in Medicare/Medicaid and other Federal programs as a result of this, the OIG also reports us to the National Practitioner Database. As most of you probably know, the NPDB gets reports from the OIG, law enforcement agencies, state boards of nursing, professional societies, insurance companies, etc about healthcare providers that run afoul of them.
The purpose of this post is to state that it behooves each of us to find out exactly what the OIG has about us on file, and what is reported about us to the NPDB. Both reports can be accessed online. But it's imperative that we each know what is out there information wise. Not only does this information affect our ability to work or not work, but it affects our ability to attain licensure in another state as well as obtaining clinical privileges. If there is anything incorrect or not updated in either of these places, it can really hurt you, and not just now. In the future.
I say this because I just got my NPDB report. I did this not only to know what exactly was on there, but to verify something incorrect about me on the OIG database. Not just a clerical error or a messed up or not updated address. A criminal conviction is listed for something I didn't do (I can prove it) and an incorrect occupation is also listed. I cross referenced this with other records on the NPDB as well, and it's not listed on them. They have the right information. The OIG doesn't. Oddly, the OIG does exclude for having a license suspension, but this wasn't listed either on their DB or the NPDB. They didn't exclude me for that. They excluded me for something I never did. I'm not sure if they got me confused with someone else, but either way it needs fixing.
Additionally, the agencies that report to the NPDB are required to update their submitted reports when there is new information on the subject. There were two agencies that hadn't done that, even though my arrest and criminal records were all expunged last year. Records have been supplied to the board of nursing for various things, and that information hasn't been updated. The law enforcement agency that investigated me also didn't update.
Finding all this upon a cursory examination, led me to do a more focused review. Clerical errors don't bother me. This was scary and well beyond that. I wrote my lawyer an email with the report and the concerns I have. She was already looking into the OIG thing, but now I have additional info and things to look into.
I'm just sharing this to encourage those of you who don't know what information is about you on these databases, it truly behooves you to find out. Now rather than later.
23 Posts
any tips on getting off?
That depends on when and why you were placed on there. Usually they will specify a length of time that one will be on, and what its for. Do you still have the paperwork they sent you? It should all be there.
If it is after that time, you can write to them and they will send the paperwork to fill out to get reinstated, or off the Excluded List.
The. NPDB is different. Once you are there, it stays. You may add a statement to your file, but it stays, even after the matter affecting your license is corrected.
40 Posts
Hello there, I'm confused about both the OIG and the NPDB. If someone is on the NPDB, are they also on OIG? Or vice versa? In my case, I received a letter from NPDB, not OIG. I've checked OIG a few times last year and this year and I am not there (yet.) A little info on me is that I'm in CA and on probation for a dui, however I violated probation this past May and am now fighting for my license because the BRN wants to revoke probation. Currently I'm still active and on probation and my lawyer says the BRN is willing to settle my case and extend probation-which is great and I'm thankful for! But now I just got the letter from
the NPDB. It's all confusing. Any info helps. I just emailed my lawyer about this too. Thank you!!!
Hi there Daisy :)
It depends on why you were reported to the NPDB as to if the OIG will place you on the Excluded list. For Probation, no (at least not that I know of). Usually its for Suspension or Revocation, but they do have some discretion on whether they will place you there or not with a Suspension, it depends on the circumstances that led to the Board action.
For nurses on Probation, the NPDB and NURSYS databases are the ones that one will very likely be placed on. Suspensions and Revocations will have the NPDB, NURSYS, and OIG. One can get off the Exclusion List of the OIG (I just did recently) but all Board actions will stay on the NPDB and NURSYS databases permanently.
Good to hear you were able to remain on Probation :)
Hi there! Yes thank you so much for all this info. I was on probation for a DUI and I drank cause I slipped up with friends and now I am fighting to keep probatatuon. So far, lawyer says I'm ok. I signed the stipulated agreement and now waiting for the official ok! So I'm guessing I won't be on the OIG, I haven't been since 2013 when I was first granted probation, I didn't get placed on it til 2014 when I passed my boards and officially became an RN. I just want to work and get through probation once and for all! I wish our names could be off those DB I mean, we've done our time! I just would hate to not get a better job due to it. I plan on stayin where I am (my job is on hold (I'm on FMLA and my boss is eager for
me to return once I get the ok...) but maybe one day I want something better? Ya know? Ahhh so frustrating
thank you again for all your responses. I don't feel
so alone, how has your journey been? I've been talking about me so much, sorry!
You are most certainly NOT alone. Don't apologize. These things are very difficult. Dealing with the ramifications of the issues we face on a personal level is one thing. Finding out just how far those tendrils extend, is quite another.
Responding effectively is a quantum challenge at times. You did the right thing hiring a lawyer. For now, take your time and work off your probation. A placement on the NPDB or NURSYS database is just that, a placement. You are entitled to send a response to the NPDB file that tells your side of things. Not sure about that with the NURSYS db. I'd be willing to bet that there will be other employers that will be happy to take a chance on people that are able to demonstrate that they have done what is necessary to comply and are able to turn their lives around.
You speak so well! Yes, I plan on doing just that- no more slip ups! I have to say, I am in my young 30s
and a lot of my friends are still drinking and partying. I allowed myself to be in that environment still when I drank. I have evaluated my life and done some relapse prevention. So I don't plan on living that lifestyle even if I'm not drinking. My future and career is too important. One step at a time for me. As long as I can work still (stay off the OIG list) and complete probation, I will worry about future jobs later :) keep up your journey! And I'm so thankful for this awesome
Awww, thank you Daisy :)
I'm glad this forum is here now, so that those who find themselves ensnared in these things will find a place where they can get support, questions answered, and hopefully find that they can have a future AFTER the issues are resolved.
I wish it had been here in the year 2000....
Yes indeed!! Reading other' posts really encourages us and gives us hope. How much more do you have to go in your journey?
I have been able to get my name off the OIG list, but am still working on the rest. Long story :)
One thing at a time, my friend! I'm glad you were able to get that taken cared of! From what I've read, it can take 5 years to be removed?!!!