Oh my gadd i'm so embarrassed. Please help me..

Nurses General Nursing


So we had our new kind of multidisciplinary rounds where all members of the healthcare team are there today.

Let me tell you that before this I was really doing good but today I felt really overwhelmed with my patient load and their acuity I didnt have a chance to browse through the notes too much.

So when I get to the room I was expecting to be called last since I had the last rooms but they wanted my report right away. What can I say, I stammered. I'm so sad about this. I looked like an incompetent fool which I am not. But now I just feel horrible.. Thank you

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

I once went into work to cover for a friend that needed to go to a funeral. She works on a different floor than me.I got there at 1000, she gave me a quick report and left. I headed to the floor to see my patients and check in with them and the charge nurse nabbed me in the hallway and said "rounds, right now, are you ready?" I babbled that I was going to go and see my patients quickly first and I would be right back.My report was very brief.

If it makes you feel any better I'd be willing to bet that by the time they got to the end of the hall they had forgotten all about you and your patient. Next time you'll be better prepared.

I've done things that are so embarrassing that I can feel myself turning red just thinking about them. I think I've got you beat by a long shot. It would be an interesting thread though, what's your most embarrassing story....come to think of it I think there is a thread on this site about that. I would never be able to participate though, too mortifying.:brnfrt:

LOL--- looks like there are many pages of things to feel better about :D

Specializes in Med/Surg, DSU, Ortho, Onc, Psych.

Think we have all had this happen.

ALWAYS have a cheat sheet on you, and scribble down everything on there you want to hand over later, and keep it in your uniform pocket. Then u have something to refer to when doing h/over.

Look sweetie, in all reality, they will have been so busy with their own work, they will have forgotten about you 5 minutes later!

Also I used to go in 5 minutes earlier to some of the busier hospitals I worked at, get my allocation then flick thru the files of the patients I had. It makes life so much easier.

Specializes in School Nursing.

I'm sure that happens all the time. Today at the clinic, I had a doctor call me on the phone about a patient I had paged him on. I was extremely busy with multiple things when he finally called back and I was unprepared, sifting through this thick chart. Seconds seemed like minutes!

Oh you guys are amazing. I just want to let you know how I appreciate all your replies. It feels good to have somebody to bare my insecurities to as I dont know if it's like this for you too. But everytime I go to work I know I have to be brave and strong for my patients I'm like their mama bear hahahha. So it's really really nice to have someone to talk to and even have you understand what I'm going through and offer encouragement and advise. It feel so light and happy and ready to conquer again, believe in myself again. And cast away my doubts in my ability to contribute. All I can say is that I'm really grateful from the deepest recesses of my heart hahahah God bless each and every one of you. You're like my sisters :D

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