Published Feb 23, 2010
maybug, ADN, BSN, RN
1 Article; 62 Posts
I took the teas exam today and did very well i believe. 87.6% but i noticed at the top of my results where it says "Program type" it specifies "PN" I do not know what PN stands for, but all my practice teas assessments always said ADN. I am trying to get into the associate degree nursing program, not practical nursing or LPN...i hope thats not what that means. I took the same test as everyone else in the room today, for ADN. Even my profile says my degree is towards ADN. Am i just worried for nothing?
621 Posts
as for the test, nothing to worry about.
as far as, what admissions has your major as may be a differ story.
PN could be pre-nursing too, don't know though.
Pre-Nursing, didn't think about that. but its possible!
102 Posts
I do not know the answer, is there a separate test for PN's from RN's?
187 Posts
Maybe it means "Pretty Nice" score :)
LOL nice one Michael!
addiesmom- i was wondering that myself. This week (22nd-26) is for ADN testing only. Radiology tests in March. I do not know about PN.
ExPharmaGirl, BSN, RN
467 Posts
You might want to look into that. I just took mine in January and I pulled up the results right now and under program it says "BSN" which is the program I am applying to. The test will be the same, but your admissions office may have it wrong.
9 Posts
PN stands for "Practical Nursing". I am not sure why yours would say this unless it was a type-o maybe?
6 Posts
I think PN is for Practical Nursing.You may call your school to verify if you did the correct exam.
I am due to take my TEAS for LPN School in FL.
I am stressing....:confused:I read where the students say that it is not hard.
Any ideas as what to expect?? is the math 45 questions with 50 minutes?
Any insight you can give will be greatly appreciated.
I wont lie, i thought it was very hard. about half way through i was sure i failed, but obviously i did a lot better than expected.
this is the breakdown:
reading: 40 questions in 50 min
math: 45 questions in 56 min
science: 30 questions in 38 min
english: 55 questions in 65 min
i ran out of time in math, but the questions were not very hard. science is so broad, make sure you study your rocks and plates. also know velocity formula , and punnett squares. if youve studied your butt off, you'll probably do well. haha good luck!
55 Posts
i'm pretty sure the TEAS for PN and RN are the same. at my school we both test together.
they do, its ok. i got ahold of a nursing instructor and its all sorted out :)