October 2014 Top 8 Captions - Help Select $100 Winner


  1. Select the best caption for the cartoon above...

    • 20
      AHHHHHH-CHOOOOOOO.....Uhm, oops...
    • 79
      A-N-D...That's what happens when you say things are quiet.
    • 57
      Are you the new grad?
    • 39
      And just like that, your initiation to Med Surge is complete!
    • 9
      Oomp, there it is.
    • 75
      Don't worry, I washed my hands.
    • 23
      (In a Yoda voice) Mmmm....Green you are. Wash you must!
    • 96
      You won't lean over the patient during trach care again, will you?

398 members have participated

    Editorial Team / Admin

    Joe V

    7 Articles; 2,561 Posts

Specializes in Programming / Strategist for allnurses.

Thank you everyone! Many many great choices. Here's the top 8 captions that we ended up with. It's now up to you to select the winner! You may select more than one caption.

All captions can be found @ October 2014 Caption Contest: Win $100!

Thank YOU!


and the winner is Surprised1 ... The cartoon may be viewed at Dodging the mucus bullet

Specializes in Rehab, Med/Surg.

Not sure if it's just me, but I'm not able to see the list ?

Specializes in Programming / Strategist for allnurses.

Almost forgot about this ... please vote for your favorite caption. The winner will be announced in 2 weeks.

when the patient says I think im going to be sick should have been your first clue to turn away

Specializes in Programming / Strategist for allnurses.

winner will be announced in a few days - last one for the year

Specializes in cardiac, ICU, education.

Didn't see this one till now, but my caption would be:

"Oh, I see they are serving kale for lunch."

Specializes in Programming / Strategist for allnurses.


and the winner is Surprised1 ... The cartoon may be viewed at Dodging the mucus bullet

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.


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