OCC - for Fall 2012 or Jan 2012 prospective students!

U.S.A. Michigan


Hi everyone! Okay so I decided to make a seperate thread for those of us seeing what our options are because we got the dreaded letter from OCC. It was getting hard to filter out the information pertinent to us in the general OCC thread.

I just want to tell everyone not to give up.

I had a meeting with a counselor yesterday, who basically assured me that any drastic changes made to OCC nursing admission policy could NOT be implemented in the very next admission cycle. He said that he had been a counselor for over 16 years, and the last time they made a drastic change (like from waitlist to gpa based) they grandfathered in everybody who would have been 'caught up' in the transition.

I had a 3.824 gpa. I had three classes that were not straight A's (An A- in both american government and english composition two, as well as the dreaded B in A&P 1). I am retaking all three and am going to seriousely aim for all A's. The gpa cutoff is gonna be a 3.9 something and I don't want to have to worry about not getting in again. I am going to do my best to get all A's.

I met with the counselor to discuss my options and see what to do at this point. I was considering going LPN but I don't think i'm going to do that anymore because my biggest aim is to get my RN as soon as possible. The LPN to RN transition program is only offerred every even year. What this means for us? If I were, for example to start the LPN program in January of 2012, it would be over in like March of 2013. Then I couldn't start the transition program until like July of 2014. Then I wouldn't be done with the transition program and have my RN until December of 2015! This versus the ADN RN program, which would start in the Fall of 2012 and finish in like early May of 2014.

Good luck to all of those still trying! We can't give up!!!!!

Specializes in Geriatrics, dementia, hospice.

Good point, whosurdaddy!

Hi whosurdaddy,

Thanks for tips.Do we get ppt for fundamentals on blackboard like we did for pharm? Please post any tips you can give for clinicals, tests, quizzes,how to ace to fundamentals..

every teacher should give you power points


1) find a study group

2) dont get in a group of people who are failing tests. you are all smart but not all of you are nursing school smart, if your the smartest person in your group that group is not benefiting you, your benefiting the group. so unless your the smartest person in your class, i would find another group. my group worked out great because we all could contribute. each of us learned something from the others. if you find your answering all the questions in your group thats a sign that your pulling the rest of your group along

3) dont get in a group of gossip hounds. time is precious and you cant afford to waste it talking about gossip. before you know it 1 or 2 hours has gone by and youve accomplished nothing.

4) get to know your teachers. you dont have to be the most outgoing person in the world, but you should really stay after class one day or schedule an appt with your teacher to go over a test, even if you got 1 wrong. heres why. if a teacher knows you it makes it a lot harder for them to fail you. yes everything is based on points, but if your teacher likes you its a lot easier to go into their office and try to argue to get a point or 2 back on the test. it happens all the time. if you have a valid point most teachers will give you the point back. some wont and you will know who they are. but most will at least hear you out. also makes it easier for clinicals if you get them in another semester.

5) tape all the lectures, this lets you go back and listen and catch things you may have missed. i cant tell you how many questions i would have gotten wrong if i hadnt taped the lecture because the teacher gave the answer in the lecture but not on the ppt

6) buy the nclex books (saunders and inced easy Q iand A) you will find so many questions from those books are on the tests, and you can almost pass every class just by studying those books. + it gets you use to taking nclex style questions.

7) dont waste time reading all the assigned pages. there is no way in hell you can read all those pages every week and still study, i can honesly say until med surg I i never even opened my text book. this may have changed becuase i had heard that the teachers were kind of upset with our class cause no one ever read the assigned pages, so they were thinking of adding questions to the test that would only be known if you read the book, so take that with a grain of salt. i still dont think you can read that many pages though.

8) dont panic, if you fail a test, you have time to come back, when you panic you lose focus and start thinking of all the bad things that can happen. just talk to the teacher and see what she suggests might help

9) good luck

Hi Whosurdaddy,

You are just wonderful.....thank you..thank you ...thank you... these are amazing tips....Please hang around for another two years... I am sure there are quite a few people like me who would need this kind of guidance.

Hi seniors,

Any idea when ppt for fundamnetals are accessible either on bb or D2L?

Specializes in Neuroscience.

You're not going to get them for a long while. You guys don't even have your instructors yet, and each instructor has their own set of PP slides. It probably won't be until about a week before class begins. It's July. Try to enjoy the summer and don't worry about it so much.

Hi Quarterlife88,

We do have our instructors already.. as we are registered for 141... I know we need to enjoy this little freedom we have.....thanks..

So how was you guys first day of class?

For me it was exciting but a lot of work that has to get done. So it starts.

so it ends.

well I finally got a job. I still have several more interviews to go through to see if i can get the position i really want, but at least i now know i have a job.

I will tell you this, and i know you guys have 2 years before you have to worry about it, but whatever you do, do not use the resume OCC has as an example of a good resume. do yourself a favour and get a resume writing and cover letter book. the 1st 2 months I used a resume with OCC's example and could not get a single call back. since i started using my new resume I get a call back from just about every job I apply too.

also just to remind everyone in foundations....once you have completed foundations you are able to apply to take the CNA test. Easiest way to get into a hospital.

Good luck to everyone starting foundations..............and welcome to hell :uhoh21:.......just kidding......maybe?

Hi Whosurdaddy,

Congratulations for getting a job.... good luck to you for bright future.

Can you plz share how you passed your nclex and share tips for foundations. I have read most of your posts.... still am greedy.. need more tips.. thanks in advance.

thanks sv99

passing the nclex!........I honestly think everyone who's taken that thing hasn't a clue how they passed it. Its nothing like what they prepare you for, yet if you study your silvestri you will probably pass. I think its something you have to take to really understand. the questions are nothing like whats in the book or what you have on the test.

As for foundations...........well foundations isn't very hard, at least it wasnt 2 years ago, but it probably hasnt changed. you need to be prepared for the next 2 years to change your life. social events are going to be out of the question until next summer. you will probably be studying on most holidays. your attitude is going to change towards everyone around you. people are going to become more of a distraction to you. time is going to become a constant battle, there will always seem like something is due and your in danger of falling behind.

so keys to passing foundations

1.) become selfish......for the next 2 years your time needs to be your time....this is the hardest thing for any woman who is married, I give all married women credit, bc being a man i know how much of a distraction on your time we and the kids are.

2.) dont freak out if you fail something, in foundations you have time to recover.

3.) if your able to start something early...do it. papers especially, most of the time you can get a head start on them. and honestly, everyone of us as made some stuff up that has gone into those papers.

4.) never put off studying.......every second of free time, should be used for studying.

5.) dont be THAT student......you all have probably seen the one guy or girl who is the know it all already.....its ok to stand out, but know that it puts a target on your back, because if you act like you know more than the instructors, they will put you in your place, and that maybe out of the program.

6.) study..........yes i said it twice.........study,thats the best advice i can give.....if your friends are going to the bar,your at home studying, if your family is driving you nuts, go to your local library or coffee shop and study. study study study.

foundations is your first real class and its a test of time management especially once you start clinicals, this class is where you develop the time management and study skills you will need for the rest of your time in school.

so why are you reading this blow hards posts....................STUDY:) schools in your already behind on some paper or project :uhoh3:

anyone who wants some one on one questions answered or advice for what its worth an pm me, Im always willing to give you my time now that I have some to give

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