Published Mar 26, 2010
punkydoodlesRN, BSN, RN
485 Posts
I'm in my final clinical rotation of my LVN career and I'm finally too stumped to find an answer! I'm really struggling to come up with 5 OB nursing diagnosis and interventions. My careplan books doesn't have a single think it in related to OB!!!
Objective: My pt. G2P1 induced at term. I took on her care at 0700 and she delivered w/o complications at 1358. Had a 2nd deg lac. She was on pit @42ml/hr. Epidural. GBS neg. AROM - clear
Subjective: Rang the call light for every-little thing... pressure, FHT not audible (I had it on a monitor just infront of me - baby was fine, mom was just wiggly) Def a knowledge deficit - so I really need just 4 more.
In my mind, I think that Risk for Injury is #1, but we've been told that you can't use a r/f as your priority diagnosis. I don't know why. I believe that if mama isn't safe, then baby isn't safe.
I'm just having trouble getting all of my thoughts collected and into diagnosis, intervention, and rationale. I have to have 4 more by 7 am tomorrow!!! :uhoh3::uhoh3:
Anyone have any help for me?
(I've googled like crazy, both on this site and the world wide web. Not finding anything for a normal L&D)
TakeTwoAspirin, MSN, RN, APRN
1,018 Posts
Well, she has a 2nd degree laceration. What problems might result from that? Why was she induced if it was a "normal" L&D?
186 Posts
How much blood loss during deliver? Does she have continued bleeding?
She has at least 2 knowledge deficits. Herself and baby.
Is she breastfeeding? How is it going?
350 Posts
Isn't she in pain and taking any meds for a 2nd degree laceration?