O.M.G PPE madness


Ok I have seen different versions of how to correctly remove PPE. In the Kaplan 2011-2012 book it says the order is





Hand Hygiene.

BUTTT, I have seen another order from sites such as CDC.





Hand Hygiene.

WHICH ONE IS CORRECT ACCORDING TO NCLEXXXX???? IDK which source is compatible with the "ivory -tower nursing world" :uhoh3:

I go with the CDC version by choice. As for any conflicting information, you have to come up with a way to differentiate and stick with that or you will waste time spinning your wheels from one answer to the next. Some people use the recency test. Others put a qualifier on the credibility of the source. In this case, the CDC. If you knew what "the NCLEX" answer is, of course, it would make sense to go with that. Even if information is clearly wrong or outdated, if that is being used as a basis for evaluation of the test, you will go with what will get you a right answer per the testing authority. A good case in point: a question on CPR. We all know that the criteria is recently changed. If you have been given info that the NCLEX "answer" has not been updated, although it is already changed in the field, then you stick with the outdated answer for purposes of the NCLEX.

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