Published Feb 16, 2010
20 Posts
Hi everyone,
In some older threads regarding NYU's Accelerated Degree Nursing Program, quite a few people have stated that they've been accepted to the program for Fall 2010, yet their postings dated back in 2009. :confused: ow is this possible? I just called NYU a minute ago to ask them when the actual deadline was (April 1st) for the program, and if the admissions was rolling. She said yes, after the final deadline, and that the soonest I would hear would be after that date. So how is it that people already know they're in for Fall 2010?
Long story short, I'm paranoid because I live in Michigan and Michigan schools love to play mind games with you. Although NYU is my first choice because I've already attended classes there for two summers, I would travel anywhere in the world if I got accepted to nursing school just to get away from Michigan.
For anyone that truly did get accepted to Fall '10:
What month did you apply,
When did you get your letter of acceptance,
What were your stats like?
For the record, I applied in December, I am graduating with my first degree in May 2010 with a 3.65 GPA, my total cumulative GPA from all the schools I've attended is between a 3.5 and 3.6, my prereqs are straight A's including sciences, and I applied with only two of them in progress, which is Chemistry and Statistics, but they will be A's also.
Thanks in advance for your clarification!
1 Article; 501 Posts
I know that is is possible because you can apply to do your pre-reqs at NYU the semester before you plan to start the accel. program hence it is very possible for people to be attending NYU now but they are probably taking prereqs.
It is cheaper to take the pre-reqs someplace else though and then try to get in for the semester the program is to begin.
27 Posts
I started a thread, check it out =) If you are around Feb 20th in NYC, welcome to the meeting!
21 Posts
They will being sending out letters at the end of april beginning of may
41 Posts
I just received my acceptance package today... Not sure if I'll accept it but they give me until May 1st to submit my deposit.
15 Posts
Congrats on your acceptance!! What are your grades like? I have a 3.8 in my pre-reqs but my overall GPA from undergrad isn't nearly as high so i'm worried.. thanks for your help! :-)