NWFSC Nursing Fall 2019

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi! I just finished retaking the HESI and am curious to see who else applied for Fall 2019. I know it's early, but I'm already ready to find out either way. My HESI score is 89 and I should have 17 bonus points, so 106 points total.

Any other applicants out there? ?

Well, on a brighter note, and for fun conversation while we are waiting. What made you all decide you wanted to pursue a career in nursing? For me, it was my oldest who was born with a heart condition. My daughter and I were visiting last week and she told me that while she doesn’t remember a lot about her doctors, she will never forget some of the nurses she has had! And I have to agree with her because we had some amazing ones who truly made such a difference during a difficult time. For me, I want a career where I can help people and make a difference. Ideally I would love to be in pediatrics one day after I get through school.

That’s so sweet. I’m wanting to get into nursing for the same reasons. I have always wanted to be in healthcare and I was actually a nursing major for a while when I first went to college, but I wasn’t focused enough then. My younger half brother had a genetic disease and was always in and out of hospitals too. I just believe nurses make such a difference and I’ve wanted to do something much more meaningful with my life and truly make a lasting impact in the lives of others. I’m hoping to get into pediatrics as well!

I’m so sorry about your younger brother. Going through things like that in life really does make an impact, and I think it’s wonderful you want to do something where you can help others! My sister is an RN and she said while it is not always easy, she wouldn’t trade it for anything!

Thank you so much! Yes, it was definitely a life changer but I’m so glad it made me realize that nursing is what I truly want to do. That’s awesome that your sister is an RN! ? I bet she’ll make a good study buddy, lol. I know my fiancé is excited for me to (hopefully) start in the fall so he can help me study!

Just a FYI, spoke to a academic advisor today and she said that she spoke to the nursing department earlier this week and they told her that it will still be a couple more weeks until acceptance letters go out.

Oh wow! That’s good to know! Were there a lot more applicants this cycle or something?

Thanks for the update! I'm scared ?

Ah, yes thank you for updating us! I’m nervous too but we just have to keep our hopes up. ? I’m guessing there were a ton of applicants so it’s taking them longer which is understandable.

Uggghhhhh ? I've got in an application for UWF also to enter as a junior in a different field and I haven't heard from either school. I just need to know what I'm going to be doing in the fall

@Jt131 I’m so sorry, that’s got to be a bit frustrating. I’m sure they are working through this as quickly as they can in the nursing department, it’s just difficult on our end when trying to make plans for the upcoming year.

Oh yeah I know they're working on it, I didnt mean for that to sound complaining! I'm actually just picking on myself bc I like to plan ahead and I'm like, am I going to do nursing or anthropology or be a bartender for the rest of my life? ?

@Jt131 Lol, no you are totally fine, I’m a planner too so believe me, I get it! I thought for sure we would have heard something by now! I’m just trying hard to stay optimistic lol!

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