NVCC Accelerated Classes/Semesters

U.S.A. Virginia


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I just wanted to know if anyone preferably NVCC nursing students can let me know what classes are taken during what semesters?

For example NUR 111 summer/fall etc.?? I'm hoping to apply for the accelerated program in 2010. Also is their a GPA cut off or preference and how many slots are available for both the accelerated & traditional program?? Thanks:D

from what i understand, you take your normal first and second semester classes during the summer and start the fall semester as a second year student. i'm not enrolled in the program, but i did research it when i was looking at different programs.

I am sorry but that pretty much sounds impossible. NUR 111, 150, 180, and 201 all during summer semester? That is 18 credits in 12 weeks. I know you said you did your research but that is highly unlikely.

My friend from my local MOMs group is currently in the accelerated program and graduates in December. I am positive that they do every semester just like the Traditional program but without summer breaks. I see her Tuesday at the pool and will ask, but I know there are others here who can answer.

They say the GPA cut off is 2.5, but it seems as though it really comes down to who can pass the TEAS. If you can pass that, you should be fine.

Around 191 people were on the roster for our Traditional program last month. Today it is 179. I think people may have declined their acceptance.

i just checked the website to see if something changed from the last time i researched it (last summer) and it really does start in the summer and the first semester is 15 hours and the second is 14 hours! you can take 2 of those classes (4 credits) prior to acceptance into the nursing program, but i do agree that's a lot of credits in such a short time.

Trust me, you don't start your second semester as a senior. You must complete your core NUR classes during their designated semester (NUR 111, 180, 201, 221, and 222). All non-NUR classes can be taken at any time EXCEPT after the semester in which they are required. And most people take everything or almost everything before they even start the program. So technically, yes, the first semester may include up to 15 credits, but I don't think are many people that actually do it that way, I wouldn't recommend it.

So the only NUR classes that can be taken during the first semester are NUR 111 and NUR 150, and the only NUR classes that can be taken 2nd semester are NUR 180 and NUR 201 and if not taken during the first semester, NUR 150.

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Uh sorry but i'm still confused as to what classes are taken for what semesters, what I am SURE of is that the accelerated program graduates 1 semester earlier than the traditional program..So please if anyone does know the answer to my ?? it will be much appreciated =]

1st Semester:

NUR 111

NUR 150

PSY 201

HLT 141

2nd Semester:

NUR 180

NUR 201

PSY 202

HLT 250

3rd Semester:

NUR 221

HUM-3 credit electing (many people take PHI 227)

SPD-3 credit elective

4th Semester:

NUR 222

NUR 254

NUR 255

Link to brochure for Traditional Program

And as I said before all non-NUR classes can be taken at any time but no later than the semester for which they are assigned. NUR 150 can be taken during either first or second semester and for the Traditional program the 2nd semester is split up into two 8-week sessions, rather than two 16 week courses. I have heard that NUR 255 can be taken over the summer for traditional students but our student handbook says no earlier than the third semester, and 254 cannot be taken before the final semester.

I looked over the program brochure for the accelerated program and it looks virtually the same as the traditional, except that you would begin Summer 2010 and graduate May 2011.

1st Semester:

NUR 111

NUR 150

PSY 201

HLT 141

2nd Semester:

NUR 180

NUR 201

PSY 202

HLT 250

3rd Semester:

NUR 221

HUM-3 credit electing (many people take PHI 227)

SPD-3 credit elective

4th Semester:

NUR 222

NUR 254

NUR 255

Link to brochure for Traditional Program

And as I said before all non-NUR classes can be taken at any time but no later than the semester for which they are assigned. NUR 150 can be taken during either first or second semester and for the Traditional program the 2nd semester is split up into two 8-week sessions, rather than two 16 week courses. I have heard that NUR 255 can be taken over the summer for traditional students but our student handbook says no earlier than the third semester, and 254 cannot be taken before the final semester.

I looked over the program brochure for the accelerated program and it looks virtually the same as the traditional, except that you would begin Summer 2010 and graduate May 2011.

Thanks for all the info I am going to follow you around the forum lol!!!!

I am more than happy to help, I know how confusing things can get. It doesn't help that student services has a policy against sitting down with prospective nursing students and going over their stuff with them. They expect you to know exactly what you are doing. Which, in my opinion, makes them useless. The only thing they have really done for me is approve my checklist...

Student services is a bit unhelpful at times,lol Highly suggest you get those non core nursing classes done with as soon as possible, and take NUR 150 in 1st semester. I took it in the 2nd semester, and was fine with it, but I had no other classes than the core nursing ones,, and I had a sugar momma, thus no job,lol

Student services is a bit unhelpful at times,lol Highly suggest you get those non core nursing classes done with as soon as possible, and take NUR 150 in 1st semester. I took it in the 2nd semester, and was fine with it, but I had no other classes than the core nursing ones,, and I had a sugar momma, thus no job,lol

Lol excellent:yeah:!!!!!That's the life!!!

Specializes in none.

what exactly does semester 1, 2, 3, 4 mean in terms of Summer Spring Fall etc...? I'm interested in the accelerated program & I just want to know how they go with their classes/semesters. But thanks FUTURENOVARN and flames9 for you input!

FUTURENOVARN i am so going to follow you around on the forum too:D

I'm in the process of getting my college transcripts evaluated but I think NOVA will accept all my credits because I have a friend who moved their & we attended the same university & she got all her credits accepted. So hopefully i'll only have to worry about NAS161/162 & then program here I come!:D

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